Who is this?
Correct answer: Edson Arantes do Nascimento (Pelé)

The Greatest footballer of all time. Simply superb!

Player #8164039
A true legend, great football player

My only real knowledge of Pele is his famous upside down kick. Truly a feat in itself. How many people tried that maneuver?

the best athlete in the world. and the most influential person in my life. i even named my dog pele when i was a kid. pele you rock this world

Pele' and Muhammad Ali, are my greatest of all time athlete's and humanitarians.

He died yesterday. May he RIP.

Rest In Peace sir🙏

Tara Tippy.
one of the best ⚽

toothless beachrat
Phiend99, the kick you're referring to is known as the "bicycle kick". When I performed it against our crosstown rivals in Manhattan Beach, CA, I was kicked in the nose by an opposing player- who's father had been my coach at one time!

please correct.. He died last year

Player Bengal Mama
He is still alive and active at 81. Gotta love him.

R+T#1/2 o+b#45/46
rayvan, ...vs white colored people?

In a nutShell..
Phiend99, There is a few footballers that can do bicycle kicks and is cool to watch....

In a nutShell..
Player #14014254, you are noone to him haha

Player Dave Drake
Good acting in ' Great Escape'with Michael Caine.

Phiend99, one of my lds friends said he used to spin girls upside down(a surprise move) during young single adult dances.he said he only dropped one girl on her head.then he married her.

Ireland abú
Phiend99, everyone

robertthemoose14, are you sure of the year

town01, just Google it

Pele was noted to play football--soccer!

dollis1963, put the drink down then lol