What are the two U.S. states that have a ban on self service gas pumping?

Correct answer: New Jersey and Oregon

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
I wish that all stations offered full service or self serve. I am sure that senior citizens and others would be willing to pay a penny or two more, per gallon of gas, to avoid having to get out of their cars on a cold winter day.
I'm old enough to remember when service stations used to also wash your windows and check your oil. Now you are lucky to get someone to take your card!
Da Bomb
Da Bomb
It's not "legal" in Oregon. It just became legal to pump your own gas in rural counties after a certain time. I live in Oregon, and as much as I would love to be able to pump my own gas, I happily deal with it for all the benefits it gives other people here. It creates a lot of jobs for people who don't have many marketable skills (high schoolers, drop outs, convicts, etc.) and it's great for people who are physically or mentally differently-abled to not have to struggle to pump their own gas. Plus we don't have sales tax lol.
Dee Dee
Dee Dee
I miss full service gas stations. I can’t find any around where I live. I remember getting our windows cleaned and the fluids checked, too. It was so nice.
if all states would adapt this again it would be awesome. it would give people jobs and help the mothers who happen to have infants in their autos also. I think it's a great idea.
Major Audie Murphy
Major Audie Murphy
flowercat0523, agreed, very difficult for those of us that are disabled.
Player #114029
Player #114029
I'd rather have someone else pump it.
Player #3245457
Player #3245457
flowercat0523, I live in Oregon and I love not having to pump my own gas. Especially on cold snowy days! 😃
Player #2724832
Player #2724832
flowercat0523, Totally. I would love a full service station. I was just talking about that.
Player #1Cyn
Player #1Cyn
nimblemoon, I remember that too & it didn't cost extra $$!
Miss Sue
Miss Sue
Da Bomb, Oh really, gotta take care of convicts.
I lived in NJ in the early 90s and remember this
Mars V
Mars V
This question is outdated. We pump our own gas in Oregon.
This is out of date. I live in Oregon and we have self service fueling now
For some reason, could pump your own diesel, but as of Aug. 2023, stations here in Or. have to have no less than half the pumps for self-service. I used to live in Wa. (where we are smart enough to work a fuel pump) & it was so annoying to cross the border & have to wait for somebody else to do something I'm perfectly capable of doing. The ONLY time the no self serve law was nice was when it's raining(6 mo. of the year!)
Nerak 7
Nerak 7
I agree they should bring them back. There is just to much self serve going on from bagging in stores and waiting in the phone 5 minutes to go through advertisements and then you have to select 1,2 or 3 to figure out what options you need
Oregon no longer requires an attendant to pump your gas.
Da Bomb, It's Feb 2024. It was made legal last year.
Oregon introduced self-service gas pumping last year (2023). The question needs reframed. And even though you can now fill your own tank, as motorcyclists had always been able to do, there is no discount for doing so.
Player #92723922
Player #92723922
I live in NYC and always bought gas in Jersey because it was cheaper there and because, as a handicapped person, it was impossible to fill the tank by myself.
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
As of 2023 Oregon lifted the ban. But thankfully, many gas stations will still offer full service without extra charge
Not true for Oregon anymore as of this year.
Player #114029, FACTS! I've been trying to figure out for years, how that change was progress?
flowercat0523, yeah and the attendant would come and wash your windshield and check your oil sometimes
Oregon and New Jersey are probably the only two places where you won't see a car on the freeway with a gas pump nozzle and hose sticking out of the gas tank opening !!!
GI Joe, same here... NJ military dude who got a large diet soda in the big cup and pumped my own gas on my way to Atlantic City Airport for work.
I wish more stations offered full service because sometimes I don't feel like getting my wheelchair out of the van.
Mars V
Mars V
Well, take Oregon off the list now.
flowercat0523, I live in NJ and have found in my travels to other states that our gas is actually LESS expensive than some others. We love to say “Jersey girls don’t pump gas”.
Quiz King
Quiz King
I live in Oregon and this year, 2023, the ban is lifted. But you can still get full service if you want.
This law has since changed in New Jersey
Plumb dumb glad to gas and go!
lovegames195459, Yes and considering the amount of car jacking that is happening, it would be better to stay in your car.
Jersey girls don’t pump gas.
Player #45221343
Player #45221343
Da Bomb, It's also nice to have someone else pump your gas during Oregon's infamous cold, rainy, windy winters.
Player #38618593
Player #38618593
Live in NYC, go to Jersey to shop & always fill my tank because it's cheaper AND they pump it for you.
Da Bomb, wow I didn't know there was anyone in the country not pumping their own gas. This is new to me.
ezasjel, I remember green stamps! Got my first Breyer Horses with them as a kid.
I don’t believe it’s still illegal in Oregon. I remember horror stories of people pumping for first time..lots of spilled gas
Oregon has repealed their law in this regard.