Lyme disease is contracted in humans from...
Correct answer: Ticks

Player #3324215
the explanation doesn't give much information. I would like to know symptoms, how\where it manifests. how it effects sufferers and if it can be contracted by other animals... are deer effected?

The first case of Lyme disease was diagnosed in Lyme, Connecticut thus giving it's name.

Bridget Downey
My father died from this

Player #3324215, deer ticks carry Lyme bacteria. Dogs are suseptible (sp?); vaccination is available for dogs, not humans. Check out Johns Hopkins hospital website for information. Host ticks bite and transfer bacteria thru saliva. If tick removed w/in 24 hrs, supposedly transfer is greatly reduced. Antibiotic Treatment soon after bite can eliminate. If undiagnosed & Untreated, long term effects are prolific. East coast US is very affected, Midwest also. Check US NIA or seach for affected areas.

Wavy Combover
Opossums are a great way to keep the tick population to a minimum. They eat thousands everyday. So, if you see a possum, make sure you don’t disturb them. They are good to have around!

sorry to hear that

Everyone should read about Operation Paperclip to learn about how Lyme disease got started.

Player #20201266
I just down loaded this game and I am already hooked I even gave it a five star rating, the person that came up with this idea is a genius

Player Vick, My mother has it and it's terrible. It's worth it to research, how to avoid it and what to do if bitten. If you can diagnose quickly by testing the tick- chances of recovery are strong.

I contracted Lyme last summer. Started with awful flu like symptoms and got worse. after 4 days of being ill, I noticed I had a large bullseye on my calf. Went straight to the doctor and immediately started me on Doxycycline. Thankfully I caught it early and am fully recovered. Don't think it can never happen to you, I did because I rarely ever go outside. Just a few seconds is all it takes....

Whenever I went exploring in the woods my mom would check for ticks

Lime disease is really bad. I don’t want it.

Player #20201266, I 100% agree with you

There are many more tick-borne diseases. New ones are brought into the country from time to time.


Player #143106042
I had late disease of Lyme Disease did not know it till late stage I go to a homeopathic Doctor he told me to take “Nutamedix Teasel Root” you can buy it on Amazon for about 29.00! It worked almost immediately and have no symptoms of it for years now. Again mine was found and I was late stage Lymes!!

Bridget Downey

Aussie GG
My daughter had this from a tick bite in inn Australia She was bitten in 2011 and passed awayIreland. It's not recognised

крім шрм7-б

Hahahanky, california too. TICKS everywhere.

Wavy Combover, Yep, according to what I read, each possum eats about 5000 ticks in their lifetimes.

I'm a Microbiologist.

Player #3324215, Google it

Zimmy Zimberg
Bridget Downey, So sorry to hear Bridget. I think all of us are: the "thumbs up" in your support and thumbs down as a sign of sadness. (In situations like this, it is confusing whether to select 👍🏻 or 👎🏻 as the appropriate sign of condolence.) In any event, may you find much comfort in good memories. ❤️

yaba daba do
Player #3324215, look it up on the internet.

you can also get it from fleas carrying the illness. That is how I got it

I hate Ticks, Spiders, Flies, and Mosquitos they’re so Gross and Disgusting and Ewww and nasty

Girl like it is so fun, I can beat you

I got every question right? No way you can beat me you’re never gonna beat me

Cat Mom
Blows my mind how something so teeny tiny can kill or maim for life! I'm so ready for this wicked world to be done away with & have eternal life in God's kingdom!

Cat Mom
Amy, thank you & thank The Lord that your husband survived!

Cat Mom
Pam, no, they carry West Nile (spelling)?

Cat Mom
Player #8326012, so sorry!

Cat Mom
Shortcake, oh my! Good luck with the disability!

Cat Mom
Solabraicity, WOW, prayers for you!

Cat Mom
Player #20201266, yes, there are lots of comments about how great this game is but there are also a lot of complaints about how the questions are (or seem to be) mostly USA themed

Cat Mom
Wavy Combover, are you kidding me?! I live in the (semi) country & have to deal with ticks every year! But actually we've had fewer this year & I have more raccoons but there are opossums around & now I won't run them off even if they're eating all of my cat food!

Cat Mom
Hahahanky, thank you

Cat Mom
Bridget Downey, oh my, so sorry!

Player #118786119
The first one is
Justified in the way I see the movie and