Who was Martha Washington's first husband?
Correct answer: Daniel Parke Custis

Never knew

Player #CzechTex
A good question to be asked on Jeopardy

Player #24889020
The further I get in this game the less I know. but it's fun to learn new things.

Player #8988878Xet
Nope, didn't know that....

It is believed Daniel Parke Custis died of a heart attack. He was 45. He and Martha had 4 children, 2 of whom were dead by the time she married Washington. Washington treated her children as his own. He had no children of his own.

Player #3755630
me either

Nor I...or I've forgotten my high school history classes from the 70s. Yep I'm old

How did her first husband die?

LoonyWitch46485, Don't remember learning that in highschool history. So great question

I am quite a History fan. I went to visit Williamsburg years ago. I was very surprised to see Martha’s empty plot, in a very honored place, right next to the church! It is the plot of Daniel Custis. They said there is a debate in the historical society, even in modern times, that she should have been buried next to her first husband.

Many years ago a family member said he was a descendant of GW. I told him he was a descendant of Custis. After researching he admitted he was related to Custis, but wasn’t aware that GW had adopted MW’s children. Regardless it’s great family history!

Lisa, Interesting he was known as a father of his country. Lol!

Player #11605432, news to me too...

We never been taught about that one. Only on Presidents. Not the First Ladies.

Player #11605432
Robert e lee had a son named custis i believe.

Player #3755630, I didn't know this either!!