How many times was Clark Gable married?
Correct answer: 5

Player #96919
Player #48458, Carole Lombard was his true love I think she died in an aeroplane crash, years later when he died, he requested that he be buried beside her.

Gable also fathered a daughter with Loretta Young but it was kept a secret.

Player #96919, Carole Lombards plane crashed into Mt. Potosi southwest of Las Vegas, Nevada. Extremely remote location, by time rescue party got to site, too late. All dead. Carole supposedly had a box full of expensive jewelry that was never recovered. Some say jewelry still up on mountain.

Karen 7
Yes agree Carole Lombard was his true love. He passed away so young it would of been nice to see him on screen as an older actor

Player #48458
how old is Clark gables son now