Who was the Red Baron?
Correct answer: Manfred von Richthofen

GraniteSwordsman6274, this is a teaching game. People who don't know historic facts shouldn't be called names. Let them learn!!

i was looking for snoopy.

ToniF this is world war one not world war two. Nazi party wasnt even thought of then. In fact during the WW1 Hitler was a corporal in the regular army.

Bravery knows no nationality

Player #3113010 Alex
I'm surprised Snoopy wasn't mentioned along with the Royal Guardsmen. 🤗

Player #2278360
EccentricVirgo7913, ...... I didn't know this guy was for real. Too many Snoopy stories I guess haha. I love history, so I am pleased to learn that this fella was for real.

Thank you Charles Schultz and Snoopy, I'd have had no clue here without you!

He died at 26. What would you rather have, a long life and obscurity or a short one and everlasting glory? Think James Dean, Shelley, Alexander the Great, Raphael, the list is endless.

debrabinsky2017, Eddie rickenbacker was the American ace

Snoopys enemy.

sweetpeagj, I agree, the red Baron. ok! I was called the Blue Barron.

Dj jimi b
Shot down by Australian ground fire and buried by Australian Soldiers who were highly respectful of his talents.

And, probably, the One on Snoopy 's reference! "Ta, ta,ta, . . ." (!?).

WaldoLydeker, neither. I'd prefer a long life filled with adventures shared with lovers & family, feasting on foods & wines from all cultures. I'm living life for here & now, not for some future stranger

GB, the comics strip, Peanuts, had a storyline about Snoopy (dog) fighting the red baron. might have been in a Christmas special.

Player #92723922
Wasn't there a character named, "Eddie Rickettyback" in the L'il Abner comic strip?

got to give it to that man..no one probably couldn't do that now..hats off

shot down by a dog called Snoopy in WW1, which is why, to this day, they are still called dogfights.

I thought it was snoopy lol

Player #118103951
He was 25 when he died.Looks older in photos I've seen of him.

thanks to Snoopy!

j fn b
Player #23994087, you believe wrong. it was ground fire. look it up.

j fn b
Player #30845785, Cedric Popkin.

j fn b
Pols, Cedric Popkin

j fn b
hydroxide, no he is not look it up this is a lie. it is Cedric Popkin

j fn b
hydroxide, no he is not it was

j fn b
debrabinsky2017, you are wrong it was the Australian gunner Cedric Popkin. this has been provin and the canadian pilot is a lie.

Canadian pilot Arthur Roy Brown is credited with killing Manfred von Richthofen.

Short life! Only 26 when he was killed

I thought the plural of 'aircraft' was 'aircraft' not 'aircrafts', how silly of me.

I'm so happy snoopy gunned him down

Wendell Thomas, very well said.

Jean Louise
Snoopy finally gunned him down.

The Red Baron was shot down by Canadian Ace Roy Brown… check Wiki if you care to

Giggle pig
Wendell Thomas, Yes definitely, fame is not a good thing at all. In no way shape or form. Those who desire it have no idea what they’re asking for.

WaldoLydeker, you forgot Achilles Peleides

He was buried in a battle field cemetery with full honours by an Australian regiment and later disinterred and taken to Germany to be buried with his sisters.

WaldoLydeker, I have opted for the long life, since I'm 80. When you're dead you can't enjoy the glory.

I learned this information from the 1960s song "Snoopy and the Red Baron" by the Royal Guardsman.

doxierescued, that would be Woodstock.