In the Bible, which lesson/concept is Jesus teaching when he falls asleep on the boat during a fierce storm?
Correct answer: Faith

Harfouche Rodge
Tanya , because Christianity is the biggest religion on earth, the Bible is the biggest bestseller by far, and worth mentioning that Jesus taught Love not hate. He was ahead of his time when he taught respect for women, the poor, the weak, even the enemy, and mostly he showed the difference between the sick in body and the sick in mind!

Karen 7
I appreciate the questions about faith. Everyone needs to have faith whether they are religious or not. It’s a word

The comments that are generated from the religion-based questions in this game are my favourite to read.
5/5 stars.

My Dear, Tanya: I think we answered more on the subjects of Science, Geography, History and probably Culture too then about Jesus and what He’s all about, and what God did to save us from ourselves (the sin nature we are in) and how we need, as you say “religion and Jesus,” the best things that can happen in our lives. I too have sinned and fall from perfection but if you confess of your sin nature, which we need God to reveal the truth, and He will give you the truth which is in and through Christ Jesus, who saved us from falling into the mire’s pit.
Believe me, it’s more complicated then it sounds, but gets easier as you ask God to help you reveal what you need to know. I pray that every day and I hope you will find the truth, which is in and through Christ Jesus. God Bless you.

Karen 7, Go to Africa
yo what's you're name
Faith did you say Arabic fatih
no I said Faith no way yes faith
is highly common in males
African Names ??

Harfouche Rodge, Wrong
Infact Orthodox is the biggest
why: Here Muslims worship
Accept Orthodox Jews
Accept Practice Orthodox
half of the registered Christian
believers yes don't believe
Jesus is present and still
go to church regularly they
lose faith yes it happens a lot
some like the company and
joining some use it to hide
from scary stuff in the devil

We must always have faith in Jesus Christ.

TV in TX such on b c sex cut rich rug

Tanya , I have been playing this game regularly for several years. This is the first question I have had. You, Tanya, of little faith.