What is the average reading level of an adult in the U.S.?

Correct answer: Eighth grade level

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
Player #73528
Player #73528
Hard to believe that so many americans have such low reading capability. At least, until reading social media posts.
Player #15390792
Player #15390792
I wonder if the decline has anything to do with the schools switching from phonics to sight word reading. I taught both my kids to read - one a dyslexic and one who picked up reading easily. I used the same phonics-based program for both. Reading is too painful for a dyslexic without the tools of phonics to unlock the reading "code".
Player #1195338, I too objected that readers comment. The ability to read, comprehend, and retain information is key to improving your intelligence and your lot in life.
Player #73528, you just have to ask the average person you meet the last book they read; and, on average how many do they read monthly, yearly.
Player #18923093
Player #18923093
I grew up with a speech impediment and began reading very young. When I was attending college I couldn't wait to read for enjoyment during breaks. I couldn't image a life without books.
Good grief! This is NOT wonderful news for such an "advanced" and "progressive" country! Absolutely incredible, and not in a good way! Fortunately, I have a much higher reading level than that. My son, who is now 17, had a 3rd year college reading level in 7th grade. I suppose he inherited that trait from me. I'm still shocked though, that our nation's average reading level is so terribly low. It's shameful!
Mama Crow
Mama Crow
Player #15390792, I agree. I'm an American elementary school teacher, and I have noticed a significant, steady decline in kids' manners, behavior, general knowledge, and academic abilities, across the board, over the past 30 years. It's frustrating and disturbing!
This is hard to believe, I read on average 10 books a month, have checked out 188 books from library since October 2019.
WhisperingRover91587, if you don't use it"you will lose it!
meldawg, Please be aware all. Our government is causing this dumbing down of society. Easier to control. By making a college education so incredibly expensive, fewer students work toward that level. They are passed along and given the impression that C's and D's are okay.
"El Lento"
"El Lento"
Tigress, Totally agree!
"El Lento"
"El Lento"
Since I a sixth, and most are on little higher, I had this!
Be wise
Be wise
I can read faster than I can write. Understand more of what I write than what I read.
Public schools are teaching children to rely on electronic devices. They are not taught to write, draw, appreciate the arts, restricting sports, and definitely eliminating cultural heritage of the different ethnic groups that came to the US. We used to respect the rich cultural varieties and embrace all to make a beautiful cultural tapestry. Parents encouraged education for their children, they knew knowledge was power. And, yes, I agree, the powers that be want the new generations to be dumber and easier to control.
Callie Rose , When I was growing up (I'm now 71) my parents had a magazine rack in the bathroom. Time and Life current issues, children's books for my sister and me, and whatever book my parents were currently reading. I thought everyone had a magazine rack in their bathrooms, until I was 10 yrs old. A friend who stayed overnight informed me that this was unusual. My sister began a librarian, and I'm a writer.
Harsh economic times have nothing to do with the dumbing down of America. Idiocracy was such a prophetic movie.
Player #118063961
Player #118063961
The dummying down of America. All planned.
Callie Rose
Callie Rose
A parent need to raise a reader, by reading to babies and continuing to read to children as they grow. My mom (OBM) read to me, I used to love to hear her voice reading a book. She also insisted we read in the bathroom, to not "waste" our time. we always had short subject funny books in the bathroom. When guests would go in, we would often hear them laughing.
Player #15390792, you are correct. I taught my kids phonics despite what was being taught. They are great readers!
Mars V
Mars V
IQs are dropping. I try to teach my math students to think independently of me or their textbook or Google…. They don’t like it.
Mars V
Mars V
I remember when Scout Finch was asked if she loved reading. Her response: “One does not love to breathe.”
In 2nd grade, a small group in my class required remedial reading instruction. After that year the group had advanced beyond the rest of the class, and promoted to higher levels. By 6th grade this group was speed reading at 500 words per minute. I was in that group. Thank you TEACHER!!!
toe jam
toe jam
l think most of the contestants on the jeopardy show do alot of reading and memorizing.
Giggle pig
Giggle pig
ТАШУНКО САПА, so that he could use them make his money off of their backs.
Player Say what!?, CAN I GET AN AMEN? I am a teacher and can tell you that kids’ minds come to me in 9th grade already crippled by the phone. Parents plop their kids down at a very early age and give them a phone- it’s easier than minding them. By the time I get them, their minds have atrophied from the “pretty lights.” They walk the halls at school like Narcissus himself staring into their phones and posing. 🙄
I am Mudd
I am Mudd
the education system is set up so that the typical American student is meant to fail. the system gauges on how to take an exam, nor to learn. in response to Urbanm1ke, the immigrants is not always the problem. the language fluency might be lower but I have met many immigrants whose education far exceeds our education system. in their home countries, the kids are reading at the second grade. finishing high school is equivalent to the first 2 years of college. yes, the education has dumbed down the general public.
Uninitialized, Jack & Jill Went Up The Hill?
meldawg, we aren’t as advanced as many countries like we once were.
Waldo Lydeker
Waldo Lydeker
this is a dumm question. i can reed better than any eith grader
We have many foreigners coming to our country on a daily basis, where English is there second language. I wonder if this was taken into consideration. Not making excuses, just saying the sample group might have had a lot to do with this. Did they test random adults, or specifically people born here, who grew up in our education system. There are a lot of different factors to consider.
old metal worker
old metal worker
that explains a lot, American people watch to much TV and the real problem is that they believe everything they see.
"I don't want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers..."-John D. Rockefeller
It's just sad.
Extremely sad that this is a fact about the USA! We should all be ashamed...Americans are better than this OR THEY SHOULD BE!!!
I had no idea! It is slightly sad but as long as they are able to get by in life. I’m actually in 8th grade. I took a test a couple of weeks ago and found out my reading lexile is that of a junior in college.
Player #41536843
Player #41536843
I know that Nancy Drew books today are on a much lower reading level than they were originally. Each generation they dumb down a little bit more.
I have been a voracious reader all my life. I believe reading and education in general is the key to peace harmony and understanding for all of mankind. Love your neighbor people. No time for hate.
Player Say what!?
Player Say what!?
A lot of comments are blaming schools and the government. In the last two decades, what has become the prevelant form of communication? Cell phones and computers, both of which auto-correct and predict what you're going to say, thus limiting the need to think about a clever and intelligent paragraph. Grammar and punctuation has gone out the window. Parents are too busy with their own lives to devote quality time. I question the requirements to be a TV anchor as time and again their grammar is deplorable. But, they're still smart people. I don't have an answer.
Guillermo Jr.
Guillermo Jr.
thank you NEA!
Player #25910183
Player #25910183
Informed consent forms and other forms that are given to patients before enrolling in a clinical trial must be written at an 8th grade level.