Who is this actor?
Correct answer: Kenneth Branagh

He is Brillant!

very bad photo of himself

Apocacrux, did you see Harry Potter je played Professors gildaroy Lockhart in The Chamber of Secrets.

Player #6563898 Alex
We have him to thank for Loki 😍. He was casting for Thor and Tom Hiddleston tried out for the role. He told him you're not right for Thor but you'd be perfect for Loki. And a star was born. Loki stole every movie he was in.

GeraltOfTrivia, that’s what I thought 😂

Nannad, he is British not Irish

Wait, what? He looks identical to Ewan McGregor in this photo lol

Awful photo!

from my home town ☺️

Crown Joolz
And he played the part of Isambard Kingdom Brunel at the opening ceremony of the London Olympics.

you can see his name on the card...

His name is on the card infront of him!! It's a bad photo of him, so that was useful!

Player Ejag
He was just on the Graham Norton Show!

Syr Hal
EnergeticChef78821, I don’t think that is a selfie, as you suggest.

I knew him but not his name.

i just know what other actors looked like. he was the only one i didnt know. lol

Kenneth Branagh was in a movie with 9 other Oscar winners in the cast. That's a record. 1956's "Around the World in 80 Days" with cameos galore is second with 8. But if Branagh ever gets an Oscar, he'll cement the record with 10. No reason why he shouldn't get an Oscar. He's 58 and a superb actor. The wonder of it is he doesn't have one already. The film is "Hamlet" (1996) which not only does he play the melancholy Dane but he directed as well.

I think he was in a movie called "The Gingerbread Man". That's the only movie of his I know about but have not seen.

picture doesent do him justice. did not recognize him. guessed

Harry Potter!!!!

Apocacrux, he was in Harry Potter and he's a great director