What plant is this?
Correct answer: Star of Bethlehem

Lilies - my mother's favorite. So many different kinds of lilies compared to the many types of orchards, and both so beautiful. As a small child I visited my neighbor's "hot house" filled with bulb flowers with strict instructions not to touch! It was like a wonderland.

Montana Lady
Player #926108, I agree they are both beautiful, the biggest difference between the two aside from appearance being that lilies are poisonous (something to keep in mind when sending bereavement flowers to families with cats) and orchids are edible.

Lillies & Gladiolus are my favorites.

EliteLawyercat57024, Orchids, not orchards

Mujahid Mohideen R
I guessed it right thanks to the image with star shaped flowers.

Angelina 💕
Wow I need to learn my flowers more 😂

Also called the fragile frost flower.