Which of these four snakes is the fastest snake in the world?
Correct answer: Black Mamba

Just the picture scares me. I'm not terrified of snakes. I have black snakes in my yard and I love watching them. I actually got to see them mate and it was amazing how they twirled around each other in the air. Nature is so awesome!

Player #18663768
I have a snake phobia and just answering this question with this picture above made me very unconfortable... :'(

Player #2888081
Lenny the Clam,
it stands straight up like a walking stick while leaving only a few inches of its tail to propel it forward, to pursue its prey quickly with a better line of site. watched it on PBS..freaky

I once saw the body of a 6ft (1.83m) man who had been killed by a black mamba in a Mozambiquean village. The body of the snake (killed by the villagers) was half again as long as him. We also once surprised a mamba by driving past it in a pickup. It struck the back fender and then took off at top speed, half of its body at a 45 deg angle being propelled by the other half on the ground. We had to accelerate to lose it in the bush.

a black mambas kill rate without antivenom is 100%. they dont miss.

Doubletops, small correction if I may. The colour of black mambas ranges from gray to dark brown, however, you were correct when you wrote that the inside of their mouth is black. That's where their name comes from.
Green mambas are green and the inside of their mouth is white.
Stay safe and have a nice rest of your day! :)

Player #7365
one chased our VW beetle down a dust road in Sierra Leone in the 1960s..one of my earliest memories is of a very angry snake..

Player #3803150
I remembered the black manna from Kobe Bryant . Sad. RIP

Snakes are fascinating creatures. I'm not terrified of them, but I have a healthy respect for them. I am scared of venomous snakes, and we've got em down South (USA), but I try to steer clear of them!

Thank goodness we don't get dangerous snakes or spiders in the UK. Those snakes freak me out lol

When the Black Mamba rises from the ground, it lifts approximately one-half of its body length. This means that a 12-ft Mamba is capable of looking a 6-ft tall man directly in his eyes before delivering the lethal payload.

The picture is a stylized painting, not a photograph. If you look up actual photos of the Black Mamba, you'll see that the head and mouth are very different from the above picture.

not a snake I wanna cross paths with

Player #2888081, thanks for the oncoming nightmares...and usually I'm not frightened of snakes...just very respectful. But that is terror incorporated lol

Lady butterfly
18663768, I am right there with you on this. Ooughha, that pic gives me shivers!!!

same here I too have a healthy respect for them what gets me somewhat worried about them is the multiple dupes mother nature created of snakes and other critters making it hard to tell which snake is which especially if you aren't a expert at identifying a poisonous snake from the non poisonous look alike

Terrifying but Beautiful at the same time!

Essfor, no snakes in Ireland either

Uninitialized, adders can kill, especially other animals including dogs

in the movies KiLL BiLL They use for the assassin's code names dangerous snakes names and the Black Mamba is the top killer Uma Thurman,

GrandmaTanya, wished God didn't

Anyone remember the RDC debate?

fastest in killing take 20 minutes (black mamba)
fastest in movement speed is (sidewinder)

Player #15356028
Nino Chilaia

That picture is a cartoon. Black mamba’s are a creamy color. The inside of their mouths are soot black. One of my favorite species.

I was the only person in my class at primary school to actually touch a snake and ever since I have wanted to have one as pet! I never get the phobias surrounding animals but I have a fear of injections so I get the genuine fear people can have of anything living or manmade.

I hate snakes no matter the kind

GrandmaTanya, I don't think the picture is a black mamba, which is actually grey, with only the inside of the mouth black. Still frightening though.

No snakes in New Zealand - glad I’m not missing out on them poisonous creatures

According to google it’s the side winder. I checked because these snakes seem big but not fast.

Player #32418146
Sandx, Not true. I know of a few legitimate cases where people have been confirmed bitten by a blk mamba and been fine, in one case no hospitalization was even needed. probably because mambas like most snakes have muscular control of their venom. this means they can issue (almost) venomless 'dry' bites in self-defense. Venom is costly to make and costly if you're hungry and don't have any with which to immobilise prey.

I think you mean "Antivenin", not "Antivenom".

Player #53005183
GrandmaTanya, That is not mating, that is 2 males battling for the female. They wrestle until one succumbs to fatigue. The mating ritual is not so aggressive. They lock on and pulse.

Player #48853142
GrandmaTanya, where do you live ? I am petrified of any size ,colour snakes !

T Tucson Ron Vegas
R.I.P. Kobe nd Gianna

that's not what a black mamba looks like

Kevin Thomas Keenan
i thought they meant fastest at striking and biting

Thank you, Kobe Bryant.

Player #30941088
Uninitialized, l nearly stepped on a brown adder in Cirencester 15yrs ago. I didn't know there were any in the UK until then

GrandmaTanya, scares me into nightmares about them. Yikes!!!