Where is the world's largest particle accelerator located?
Correct answer: Beneath the France-Switzerland Border

For the life of me, try as I might, I just can't understand quantum mechanics. Seriously. A particle can be in two places at once and you cannot "photograph" it because it keeps on jumping around. WTF?

Montana Lady
WaldoLydeker, however there are Quantum computers that store data in precisely such a manner, so that instead of existing as binary zeros and ones it exists in multiple places at the same time and chooses where, when you ask for it.... kind of like Schrodinger's cat. However, the people who build them don't even fully understand how they work.
(My father taught Quantum Mechanics at one of the top US universities... I can only wrap my head around part of his published work.)

Player #6852065
thanks Sheldon. I owe this one to You.

Thanks to The Big Bang Theory I got this right. Thanks Leonard and Sheldon! 😁

Player #40646556
I helped build this!

WaldoLydeker, think of it as an immortal bee that is in a room (defined energy).. It's buzzing around... You know its there but it's moving constantly so you can never define its location & speed at same time.... Maybe that explanation is more confusing!!! 😆

...but whats it do???

Player #25874027
Obviously it takes Large Hadrons and collides them .
Not rocket science is it

Chelu Neb1
it's located where Switzerland collides with France

WaldoLydeker, Observing it changes it. Figure that one out.

Player #66817220
Player: Coco, tunnels can be donut-shaped, too.

Player #66817220
kat, no, that would be MY house.

Unbelievably, the Mandela effect is the only data anyone is interested in after such a massive scientific experiment.

Queenslander 73
EdwardFingerhands, watch “angels and demons”

Player #49293872
genewa switserland

Player: Coco, Tunnels are roughly cylinders. But still, 17 mile circumference would mean a diameter of about 5.5 miles. That is about the height of Mt. Everest. Something is not right about those measurements.

probably responsible for opening a portal for demonic and negative matter to enter

WaldoLydeker, Just like a child that has eaten too many "E" numbers.

Player #9215425
This is amazing. Makes me wish I would have continued studying quantum mechanics so that I could have possibly tested a theory I came up with about the movement of electrons and something I call "negativos."

Player #26845113
Player: Coco, the tunnel is round, particles are going in circles

Player #6852065, 🤣

WaldoLydeker, micro black hole shared orbitalshells.

Tim Megabrain
EdwardFingerhands, don't worry about it.

Player: Coco
I'm stuck on a tunnel being "17 miles in circumference". Must mean about 8.5 miles long? Circumference relates to curved figures; difficult to apply to a linear "tunnel".

why are there labs then if there is one 27km long

WaldoLydeker, that would be my answer wyd!

Player #9661418
Randall Stone, you are what is wrong with the world...try being a solution instead of a problem.

Player #2848111
InfernalDragon96630, Pretty ironic theology lesson from someone with "Infernal" in their name...(Relating to hell or the underworld)