Which expedition successfully reached the Philippines for the first time?
Correct answer: Magellan Expedition

They said Magellan discovered Phil. in March 16 1521 but was Named after king phillip11 by Villalobos

Marcy, The Magellanic Islands were named after him, and King Phillip was given the honor in the Philippines because he authorized, and bankrolled the expedition!

Player #120374466
Amazing journey and facing many unknowns without the modern conveniences taken for granted when we travel today. Humans like to explore and learn as they go. Some more than others.

By the way, is Fernando Magalhães.

Successful for Portugal....not so much for Magellan and most of his crew.

Nhuca, it is true. Is Fernando Magalhães 👍

Gerald &Estie Anderson
Marcy, He was killed for being in a civil war on the wrong side