What is the name of these mountains, located in South America?
Correct answer: The Andes

K2, the Savage Mountain, is the second-highest peak on earth. It is in Pakistan, and is more deadly than Everest. Fewer than 400 people have attempted K2, and 92 have died. To me, it appears brooding and forbidding.

Lionessa, Fun fact, my name is Andy…in grade school…the teacher would say today we are going to talk about (the)Andes Mountains…He purposely did leave “the” out…I guess I did radiant extreme joy…

Mr_Hve_Fun, Hi Andy, He must have been a fun teacher. I had some really outstanding teachers myself. I think they were so good because they each earned a degree in the subject they taught, instead of the one-size-fits-all Education degree. It was a classical education, unlike anything available in public schools today.

marimargo, the lowest rainfall is in Antarctica

The source of the mighty Amazon river is in the Andes.

I've always lived in areas where there are mountains. I love looking at them and the shadows created by the clouds.

The Anaconda Desert is in the Andes in Peru I believe. It is the driest place on earth with only a few drops of rain over several years of time.

Player #25874027
Biological/Mojo, Everest is in the Himalayas

Himilaya : South Asia
Alps: Switzerland
Blue Mountain : Australia
Alps: French