What phrase is used to describe two full moons in the same calendar month?
Correct answer: Blue Moon

please do away with these dumb hints: show exit, flip tile, and open map. Every single one is useless. If you got rid of them we could have more real hints instead of these useless things.

Player #3532789, yes, I'm always wondering what other hell those show exit and flip tiles do, no good that I can see!

Player #3532789
CastielFeather420, Following one persons comments, I have been using up my oversupply of "show exit" hints. Apparently you get more credits if you continue playing after it is exposed! Not sure what the others do, and not convinced about the Show Exit hint!!!

Player #25874027
Why complain about them?.
Just don’t use them . The game is based on knowledge not hints.
Played over 1000 levels never used or needed the hints

Guillermo Jr.
when I use the Open Map right at the beginning of a new game..I do seem to end up with higher scores

I guess I can't say once in a blue moon, it's leap year!

Player #22460187
CastielFeather420, I agree. let's delete this app and go play the trivia app you designed. are those crickets?

Player #17281812
CastielFeather420, I don't use them either, I'd rather get the other hints. 😊 But I guess some players may use them: the map if they like to answer only questions of a certain field; the exit if they want to go up a level quickly... I prefer to see the tiles one after the other and click on the exit tile as a last 😉

Arthur F. Mamangun
Player #3532789, as for me, i don't mind it.

It would be very helpful if company would explain what they do and why they might be helpful

toe jam
I like the 50s song, blue moon.

Guillermo Jr., Thanks havnt noticed this ?? 😉

Player#MaBe, quadlateral time dilation

Agree. Emphatically.

Player #7106191, reread the answer. That's what it states.

10/31/2020, it's Halloween Night and a Blue Moon in the sky. SPOOKY!!!

Player #27149342 pixie
Player #3532789, useful info.

Player #25874027
Player JZ-3,
You can get rid of ads, in the ad.
Tap on the timer in the right hand top corner, an arrow icon will eventually appear in the top left .
Tap on that and you should get an exit x

Player JZ-3
Is it my imagination, or are there more ads than ever lately? Seems like every couple of questions.

CastielFeather420, totally agree!

Michael booth
once in a blue moon

CastielFeather420, agree 100%