What ideology seeks a classless society with collective ownership of production?

Correct answer: Communism

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What people think about it: 18 Comments
Player #60010068
Player #60010068
there are no examples of communism working anywhere. the concept of everyone having the same are always going to be individuals that do not want to put in the effort but expect to share in the rewards.
This system cannot work in any human society. There is always a 'has' who wants more.
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
In communist countries the "Community" doesn't own anything, it all belongs to the government or the State. And it's not classless, because the ruling class is financially better off than the average citizen
I don't trust putin. he gives his people nothing and he wants to share it with us. or, more like he wants to take It from Ukraine. that's why he has been trying to invade them for two years.
Player #15881782
Player #15881782
Player #120374466, communism. where everyone lives equaly in poverty except those in government.
Leapfoot, IT is the enrichment of government and to exploit and make modern slaves the rest of the population
Danny G
Danny G
Just because there are a few or a lot of flaws in the idea of communism doesn't mean it is entirely flawed. The central idea that one class is not to be better than the other is the basis of The Constitution of the United States of America. That, I think is, as it states in the Constitution, self evident.
Player #97184361
Player #97184361
Leapfoot, There you have it unlike what player 60010068 put forward I think the verdict is weighted in your explanation. Greed is the hidden toxin in men’s heart and good willingness. We just not perfect humans. ! ! !
Player #60010068, example N Korea
It sounds good on paper but as long as people are greedy for money and/or power, it will never work.
I wish they had explained the difference between Communism and Marxism more clearly
Danny G, again, in theory. In practice we are just as surely ruled by rich oligarchs as Russia is with billionaires like Musk telling everyone else to suffer.
What about a commune?
Quartermain, I agree with you about Putin. Didn't the former president meet Putin several times? Now, I feel he has to meet President Zelenskky? Why?
Lindy Loo
Lindy Loo
Danny G, Rubbish! Capitalism, poverty, racism = USA
All animals are equal but some are more equal than others
Is china having 2 kinds of gov't including Communism ( just asking)
Mars V
Mars V
Player #60010068, What about monasteries?