What is Jacobson's organ?

Correct answer: A chemoreception organ in the mouth of many tetrapods

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
Player ccbkd, the higher you go the more obscure (and sneaky) they become!
I watch nature documentaries. some of the strange sniffing actions that horses, dogs do is to get scent there. It's also why dogs sniff bottoms to get the pheromones.
Player #96919
Player #96919
luckycatfay, It's not a sneaky question, you just didn't know the answer, simple as!!!!!
Player #96919
Player #96919
Nearlyfit, if you had ever read or watched anything about snakes, then you would have found this question easy because the Jacobson organ sits in the roof of the mouth of a snake. The snake flicks it's tongue in and out tasting the air for nearby prey and the tongue then sends signals to the Jacobson's organ telling the snake that dinner is nearby.
Nearlyfit, your so right. Why do they have to be so sneaky it doesn't make anyone want to play or enjoy playing.