What is the most trusted profession based on honesty and ethics by U.S. gallup polls for past 15 years?
Correct answer: Nurse

Nurses keep doctors from killing people.

Pittsburgh/Florida G
So proud to be an RN for the past 42 years!!!

let's see... been a nurse since 1957(yup you read the numbers right) and I will vouch for the honestly and integrity of it least 95% of all the people I had the pleasure and privilege to be associated with
I was surgery/recovery room supervisor for years with my people on call for work at all hours of the night and I never asked them to punch a time card.. I still haven't any use for dishonest folks. For that there is no second chance
we take an oath too and live by it

Pittsburgh/Florida G
ZealousJelly5831, thank you for your service. RN for42 years..... nurse educator.

Player #5975408
Nurses Rock!!!

SubstantialFidelity9, doctors treat disease, nurses treat the patient

Player #4355392
Tinker20665, Not all are. Like in any profession, there are rotton apples. Thank goodness they are rare.

Been an RN for the past 18 years. I've worked with some amazing nurses and mentors. Worked geriatrics, Hemodialysis, Cardiac/Renal, and adult as well as children's Psych. It's been an honor to be able to help others and make a difference in their life. The world is a much safer place with good caring nurses.

Player #4317225, they aren't nurses, though. The name could be improved. They are almost doctors and yes, terrific!!

sad when Clergy hit bottom.

Nurse here since 1976, it’s a great profession people, sign up today,,you will be proud of yourself and never be out of work! Lucky if you get a day off! Haha,

God’s girl
I am a nurse as well for 24 years. I have seen good and bad nurses in my career-mostly in geriatrics. Good nurses actually care for their patients while bad nurses just want a paycheck!

So proud to have a RN son and a daughter in law.

Chris RN
Heather, Perhaps it wasn’t a ‘lie.’ It’s quite possible that “it will just be a couple of minutes” was the intention and the plan but then there was a crash and a patient had fallen. After 45 years as an RN, I know that these things happen. Hospital administration doesn’t like for nurses to explain to patients the reason for the delay in coming to the patient’s room after saying it would “only be a few minutes” because that may lead the patient to believe that staffing is poor. Poor staffing is the norm in many hospitals.

Chris RN
Player #69928624, This is quite a coincidence, but so am I. Allegheny General in Pittsburgh was my first job. Worked in psychiatry at Memorial Hospital of Tampa. There was Mexico, Texas and Honduras in between. Worked in Pennsylvania until I retired after 45 years as an RN. Challenging but rewarding profession.

I agree 100%! When doctors gave up on my daughter it was the good Lord and nurses that gave her back to me.

Player #69928624
Pittsburgh/Florida G, RN for many years!

Married to an RN for going on 36 years. Totally agree, sir.

Player #49101312
nurses are so underpaid. we need a union. my daughter, a new cop in the same city I live in makes 10 dollars more than I make after 35 years. they have a union

Player #49101312
nurses are so underpaid. we need a union. my cop daute=ghter

Marduuk105vugnnb, what the-

ZealousJelly5831, Salute!!!
I am just coming up on my twentieth.

Nurses rock and run hospitals!

Nanaof5, I thank your family for their service, they share the burden of the uniform

TalkativeOoze2486, so sad when the highest paid professionals are the entertainers rather than the lifesavers

miadoe 4 chesterbe
I am proud to say I was a RN until I retired in 2007. It was a very noble position for me. Congrats to all others in the nursing community!

Was in hospital for 13 days with 3rd degree burns. All the nurses were great! (many were pretty too 😉) But if u really want to know something in a hospital, ask the janitor. They know everything. Thank you RNs for saving my life!

proud RN since 1994

lol, I know which one it's not.

Player dwelsh113
PuliceneBuffalo58282, I am a retired ER RN. I have been blessed to have been in a profession that is also revered. I have seen people at their absolute worst and best, I have given first and last baths to people, I have been a honorable pallbearer and road in the family's car to the grave. My life as a nurse has been truly amazing and stressful and exhausting and full of love. I would not change a thing. Nurses have the courage to care.

Bryan Angelo, Many cops have given their lives for others. Yes, there are bad ones. Just like all professions. My husband was a cop and loved his job. But he would never intentionally hurt anyone. He knew he was not the judge.

Player #19472386
A good choice of a professional to trust.

Player #22047959
Don’t believe the polling data

PuliceneBuffalo58282, I’m sorry you have such an poor assessment of nurses. I don’t believe dishonesty is present in over 50% as you say. I would put it at maybe 1%. For 37 years as a Registered Nurse and Certified Critical Care Registered Nurse (CCRN), I loved my profession and the people with who I was privileged to work. The men and women whom I knew were there for all the right reasons and were honest, caring, and compassionate. With your attitude, it is best for the profession that you left.

Player #16386607
What about Dental Hygienist??

Bryan Angelo
easy question who would trust A Cop most cops anyway just My opinion

Player #15356356
My mom was a nurse.

Nurse lives matter too!

Why are firefighters not on the list. My brother gave his life as a firefighter pulling people out of a burning building.

Is it because the medical field is close to the drugs? 😬