Who were the first three vice presidents in U.S. history?
Correct answer: John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Burr

Player #3286873, Unless I'm misreading this, it is NOT true that we cast a separate ballot for VP. The nominee chooses a running mate and you vote for him or her.

kevadams1964, It's obvious to most players that the supplemental information provided here was written during the Obama era, when Joe Biden was the US Vice President, so no one has been "forgotten" or intentionally omitted.
The current U.S. administration is also irrelevant to who its VPs were 240 years ago, so there's no reason to start the divisive partisan bickering (again) here other than to be querulous... it's getting rather old, don't you think?

Player #599457
George Clinton?! lol

Player #599457, Yeah Buddy! The only Funcadelic in our House of Parlament!

Player #599457, I wish George Clinton was VP. We'd all me funky and grooving!!

Player #92723922
Wrong. We vote for the 2-person team, not one person.

Currently in the U.S. a presidential candidate announces his own vice president choice when he is running for office. We only vote for a president not the vice president.

Player #38618593
When the Constitution was written it was a separate ballot. Later an ammendment changed that.

Player #41568884
Player #31796263, Wikipedia....not exactly Encyclopedia Brittanica.

Annie's mom
I knew this by watching Hamilton 5 times.

Player #31777410
IckyLoon47766, your reading it wrong. It's the electoral college that vote separately for POTUS and VP the citizens vote for a joint ballet.

Player #31796263, Electors cast separate ballots for VP, not voters. It’s going to be the same number that they cast for president. But there’s actually nothing that says a VP candidate must be tied to a presidential candidate.

Player #599457, George Clinton was VP under both Jefferson and Madison

Player #31796263
IckyLoon47766, I believe you are correct. I voted yesterday Oct 31 2020 and only the presidential candidates names were on my ballot. Where does this information come from, so much of it is not factual.

Player #31222075
Mike Pence hasn't been a Vice President?

Player #8754490
Tinker20665, why would you say that ?
TDS possibly?

Player Scottish Frau
Nutshell, Thank you!

IrreverentRascal4106, John Adams.
He was also the second President.

who was the 1st?

Player #2938334
Pence is the devil

Mike Pence is a respectable man.

kevadams1964, I would like to forget him also.