What actress did Faye Dunaway portray in the 1981 film "Mommie Dearest"?
Correct answer: Joan Crawford

that movie was so sad, you can have fame and fortune and still be a miserable human being

Why do people adopt if they don't like children smh😔

Years ago in NYC my roommate at the time worked with the brother and he said what his sister wrote was absolutely correct.

Crawford was a piece of work and the strain being a " moviestar " didn't help. She would have killed for botox.

Truly a sad story all the way around. Children shouldn't have to grow up in an unloving & violent environment, but it happens all too often.

BriarDan, she adopted for a bump in publicity. only. she was a miserable, slutty alcoholic. She could have chosen to break the. cycle of abuse instead of perpetuate it though it wasn't PC to do that then. She was put on a pedestal but when it started to tilt she had "yes" peeps around til they saw the real Joan. I feel bad for the nanny but at least she could give some solace to those children.

questionableYo,man29, I believe it's like this... NOO!!! WIIIRE!!! HAANGERSS!!! wack wack wack. LOL

I read her and Bette Davis really hated each other!

Player KDCLM
BriarDan, you obviously have never experienced real abuse. those kids were abused by an abuser that was abused. kids are victims of adults, however children that grow up are responsible for their own actions, we can blame our whole life and everything on our parents and refuse to except responsibility for ourselves.

Radakyl, Yeah, Betty Davis(aka baby jane Hudson was Christina Crawford's heavy,She turn the tables. on her(Joan) in "Whatever happened to Baby Jane.

Tony, But it's also not impossible, either. I did.

Vickiknows, Great flick, that. Bette Davis was masterful in ANY role she played. Incredibly skilled actor/actress.

purple621, you have sympathy for Joan??

Player JD
Linda, Fear maybe?

Player #25480113, They were the only kind they had back then

I blame LB Mayer for any abuse Christina may or may not have went through, Mayer put tremendous pressure on Joan Crawford and it caused enormous stress 😬😳😬😬 on the home front, tons of vodka added fuel to the raging fires. Mayer just to add to more rage and insecurity to Joan borrowed actresses from other studios that were older than Joan for roles Joan HERSELF wanted !! That would make anyone insecure !! Myrna Loy and others talked about this.

aw, wawawa.

Jacky and Lucky
Loved that movie ..disliked the mistreatment

Player KDCLM, Psychological scars run deep and the motivation to repeat what happened to you is unconsciously triggered. It isn't easy to just make a different choice.

Bette Davis, Joan Crawford's very public rival, said upon her death, "You should never say bad things about the dead, only good. Joan Crawford is dead? Good."

Player #25480113, dry cleaning came on them

Hoplea, because they sign a contract, they can't put on weight because they'd get fat then not get work, maybe that s it. ask Holly weird.

Hoplea, Right?! Its ridiculous & wrong! I had a teacher in 6th grade who told us that she "didn't like children." Obviously it's not nearly the same as adopting & then mistreating your children but it was just as unfathomable! Like pick a different profession or don't have kids & definitely don't adopt them! 🤦♀️🤷♀️🤦♀️

I should knew this one.

,,Why !!! Did you adopt me!!..the girl who played The daughter, did a great job,

purple621, it's very sad...fame and some fortune and still they curse God.....

purple621, she left her two other adopted children money.

Vickiknows, I absolutely loved the movie

purple621, Ever notice they never write about their life until the subject is dead and gone. makes me wonder

purple621, I often wonder how much truth was in the story only hearing one side of the story.

Hoplea, Most adopt for Tax purposes.

"No more wired hangers!!"

Hoplea, Unfortunately to make them look good. So sad but true.

Betty Davis daughter wrote a tell all book too where she said her mom left her money to her younger adopted twins and the others much less. Davis was angry at her older daughter for writing the book. I saw David on an old Johnny Carson show and she was very cool and had a great sense of humor. the last of the classic stars.

Player #25480113, i was wondering the same thing..

Radakyl, when Betty heard that Joan had died, she told reporters at an interview, quoting,,I never say anything bad about the dead, she’s dead, good! ,,,

Player #25480113, they came from the dry cleaners

Hoplea, publicity

TJ SISTER, I would put money on it that the cocktails made her worse, but was not the reason.

Feisty Hippo
No more wire hangers !!!!