How long can the Six-Eyed Sand Spider survive without food or drink?

Correct answer: A year

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What people think about it: 34 Comments
Spiders are the good guys, they eat flies and mosquitoes!
Aw, c'mon! Spiders are cool! I sometimes find them inside the house, I take care to capture them carefully so as not to harm them, release them outside. I feel so sorry for daddy-long-legs, legs so long relative to body and so fragile. I feel like a mother first day of school releasing a daddy-long-legs into the yard. It's so ungainly, how can it survive?
the enemy of my enemy is my friend. spiders are cool so long as they are not actually on me.
Player #8483749, I caught a black widow in my house one night, crawling toward a window. I just carefully put her in a jar and set her free outside in the back alley. Those red hourglass markings kinda glow in the dark under a flashlight. As for this sand crab spider's brown recluse cousin, I used to see them hiding in boxes and behind curtains. They just want to be left alone, so they can eat your roaches, flies, and other pests.
Player Elf Council
Player Elf Council
VividPotion6704, They also kill us. Here in Australia we have quite a few nasty ones that will put you in hospital and one deadly one. The funnel web. Best advice. Done go near any of them.
Player lintynubela
Player lintynubela
love spiders They are great for the Earts ecology ,.❤❤❤❤
Player #8483749
Player #8483749
WaldoLydeker, I save spiders. Except black widows. if a spider is in my home I just let it be.
YawningOracle52771, camel spiders aren’t actually spiders they belong to a subclass of arachnids. I saw plenty of them in Iraq...they are freaky looking but like all the others they just want to be left alone.
spiders bring good luck.
Player #9442102
Player #9442102
Player Elf Council, A friend was bitten by a brown recluse. Her leg was swollen and red.It took over a year to heal but still gave her problems. Spiders might be cool but don't get bitten!
Life expectancy is zero if it crosses my path.
Smart Kitten
Smart Kitten
If you may find one in your pathway, just let it alone!!
Sharon , how will this take place IF lotsa peeps continue to keep them active? serious question here 😉
I figure if a spider comes in my house he/she found a food source. Better 1 spider than 10 or 100 bugs it would have eaten.
Player #41848581
Player #41848581
If someone responds to a comment I make here, is there anyway to see their response? I guess I’ll find out or maybe I won’t. Lts.
Spiders are cool! And, like ants, are good weather predictors. Huntsman will often come inside up to 48 hours before rain.
I keep spiders, mostly tarantulas, as pets. Well, it's a hobby really, and the community in the UK is heavily involved in breeding especially the ones that are becoming scarce in the wild due to mostly habitat destruction and catching for the pet trade. the aim being to get the numbers in the wild back up to sustainable levels again.
WaldoLydeker, Daddy long legs are good luck. I like keeping them around because they eat flies and mosquitoes
WaldoLydeker, I hate to tell you because you seem so well-intentioned, but putting an indoor spider outside is normally fatal for it. if it lives inside then it often doesn't want to live outside.
Player #25259962, Not true. Factoid.
WaldoLydeker, Funny! I get made of doing it! I do the same! I release them into the shed or trailer! they help keep the pestty insects away! I fell in love with daddy long legs when I was a little girl! about 7 , I spent all day realecing a dady long legs legs from a piece of tape! glad to know there is another cool person around! lol keep it up ! they really are our helpers! sky
Player #25259962
Player #25259962
WaldoLydeker, Hi indoor spiders don't survive outside that environment, ie outside the house. Same goes for those outside, they don't survive inside a home.
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
Player #17611859, They’re all in Supermodel training
Player Elf Council, Had a huntsman in the house once yikes!!!
Player #19688789
Player #19688789
WaldoLydeker, I save all spiders too.. even the jumpers... actually all insects except fleas and flies😁
* Seshati *
* Seshati *
UnopposedExpert34755, the juice of their prey which after they inject their venom it liquifies their inside
Player #10639782
Player #10639782
I like spiders for eating mosquitoes but they sure are creepy.
Player #3138816
Player #3138816
aragogandshelob, yeh me too ! They should tell us that for sure !
Wise One 2145, u
I want to know how they tested this. Was a spider of this species kept in a lab for a year to see how long it would survive without being fed or "watered?" How barbaric to not provide sustenance to a creature for such a long time!
deathrae76, me too, lol
6 EYES!!!!!
DETTE, I'm so scared of them all
I hate them I hate them I hate them