Which province in Canada is called "the Garden Province"?
Correct answer: Prince Edward Island

Beautiful area, a must see. A drive along the Cabot trail is breathtaking

Player #2500068, I so agree. it may be a small place, but there is tons to see and enjoy.

Player #2500068, The Cabot Trail is in Nova Scotia, not Prince Edward Island. But yes, beautiful

Ashant Of Downs Of Miya-Pal, You bet your sweet maple syrup it's a Canadian province! You ever hear of Anne of Green Gables? She is a famous fictional character from Prince Edward Island.

< Paula 56 >
mammy1027, I live on PEI. It’s awesome !!!!

Player #1489294
Known for the red soil and the potato crop, which at least in Canada are known for.

great info!!!

Player #4693890
Player #2500068, Cabot Trail is in Nova Scotia.

NickieBags, Cabot Trail is in Nova Scotia, not PEI

I lived there for 7 years.. beautiful land.. kind people and great music and seafood. Still go back every summer.. A must see in the summer

NickieBags, Cabot Trail is in Nova Scotia 😉
Me too and yes it is!!

Canadian here and totally got that wrong...yikes.

Player #22743757
and don't forget Ann of Green Gables!

Player #23572163
Player #2500068, I am from.p.e.i.and it's not near Cabot trail N.S

Player #2500068,
Nice comment, Wrong province

Player #4693890
Also called the Garden of the Gulf

Play Gramma B
Player #2500068, the cabot trail is in Cape Breton.

Player #4209348Roths
Player #1489294, Spud Island.