What is Chomolungma another name for?
Correct answer: Mount Everest

Crazy people. Why waste your money and time climbing this mountain? You can make a better impact on the world by helping others.

flowercat0523, Im with you flowercat! The world needs more people, like you & me to help those who are in need.

flowercat0523, why judge others. They may look at you with same judgemental eyes. Do you care? Do think they do? Why do people do the things they do?
Simplest Answer: Seemed like a good idea at the time.

Pimpao +
Everest is more about conquering your fears and pain than to reach the summit

flowercat0523, I agree! Purely self-serving thrill seekers who have the money and time to waste. NOT bravery!

Hardly the most dangerous. K2 is far more technical climb to a similar altitude.

Brave,courageous? Seriously? What value or what is gained by climbing Mt Everest??

Player #12828118
Honey, hold my beer while I climb this mountain.

Player #3366575
flowercat0523, because it's there.