During WW2, which country segregated its armed forces along racial lines?

Correct answer: The United States

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
Laurie McQueary
Laurie McQueary
Color be damned. They are our heros ❤
I'm so tired of racism. Why? What's the point? Totally idiotic and absurd. Every single race, creed, and culture have their strengths and weaknesses.
Summer maddness1968
Summer maddness1968
My father said the Europeans treated them better than the soldiers they fought with. .We have such a sad history. I don't know if racism will ever change. I am 65 grew up in Jim crow. Young people this is your time make it a better world. For Humanity.
Player #728047
Player #728047
Laurie McQueary, there is only one race: Human. all else is adaptation to environment.
America is The Really Really Pretty Girl that Looks Great on the outside but her personality makes her hidieously unattractive Inside and Mrs. United states of America HISTORICALLY is about ugly as it gets!
Here's another Sad Truth However Despicable Hitler's Germany was ...Black Olympians like Jesse Owens at Berlin 1936 Olympic Games could stay along with other Athletes in German Hotels while on American soil He weren't even allowed through a White Hotel Front Doors...
Black or White we all bleed the same
Momma Mo4u
Momma Mo4u
Lumberjax47, I too am tired of it. Can we just celebrate our strenghts and support each other in our weaknesses. We will remain divided until people stop judging others soley based on color, which is the dumbest reason ever!
georgio, hey, im american and i hate no one. please dont say all america is full of hate cuz not every american is like that.
Blood for donation was also labeled and was not used across race to save injured soldiers. Despicable practice.
This is one of the greatest threads of comments of any topic I have seen. We definitely have some work to do.
BrownSuga49, Germans and Russians celebrate the Black Madonna, and Russia never took from Africa, while France says their net worth is equal to whatever Africa has not mined.
Lumberjax47, the race that we all need to get into is the human race. Come together and fight climate change.
Hmmm, what was that all about?
Laurie McQueary, DEFINITELY
Lumberjax47, Unfortunately it’s the white supremacy ideology that they want to uphold.
Lumberjax47, I think we should get rid of RACE on the papers we fill out. Don't let people put you in a category.
Surely back then they thought they were doing the right thing. Well, 21st century and all, the US government still does horrible things and still thinks it's doing the right thing.
Mars V
Mars V
blondifaeri, Most of us aren’t like that. Racists deserve their own continent. How about Antarctica?
The government tried VERY hard to integrate the military for WWII, but the American people, especially in the south were having none of it, and after a week of rioting, the American government realized we must win this war against fascism and autocracy before we can and will integrate the military, which they did less than three years later.
It’s so sad that so many people had so much hate inside that they couldn’t even see straight.
infamousiceberg313, unfortunately, America doesn't corner the market there. racism has been alive and well worldwide for centuries. slavery still exists in some places. and human trafficking is just another word for slavery. Sadly, it will continue until the end of the world.
Lynnie, one is black, the other is yellow
Christian Tony, people need to be accountable for their actions or they will never change.
Player #33497296, some things just need to be made right. Maybe Jesus is the only one to do it, I bet it won't be pretty if He has to clean up the mess after He paid the ultimate sacrifice.
Melode, naw they would find another reason to hate, color is not the only reason people discriminate.
2024 Racism is alive and kicking,
Otto B. Abear
Otto B. Abear
Ever notice those who decry racism the most don't like individuals who are different from them, and those who are accused of racism have really good friends with different melanin content.
Summer maddness1968, My Black American Aunt (by marriage) served as a WWII nurse. Black nurses were NOT allowed to treat/care for American wounded soldiers. Just "enemy" wounded. Well she and my (German) uncle fell in love, while she nursed him back to health. They married after the war. She went to Germany. She said in The USA South where she was from, their marriage would have been illegal. Don't get me wrong, they had some issues. But their love was NOT illegal. They immigrated to Britain and lived well and happy. He died at 90 yo in 2013.
Player #18011291
Player #18011291
songbird, we bleed the same blood 🩸 If you pull the skin off of us you couldn’t tell the difference! Go check the exhibit The Body it’s very interesting and informative!
Player #18011291
Player #18011291
BrownSuga49, so sad 😭
Player #18011291
Player #18011291
Summer maddness1968, please young people change the narrative 🙏🏼 We are good people just stop and talk to us! We are decent citizens (every race have bad apples)Mostly because they’ve been deprived!
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
infamousiceberg313, Tell that to the millions if migrants who have flooded over the Southern border over the past 2 years.
Player #728047, All walked out of Africa if you go back far enough. Brothers and sister and cousins. Then a few exceptions were some who stayed there.
Smart Kitten
Smart Kitten
Buffalo Soldiers, all of the black soldiers was sent to the Front Combat, prior to save white soldiers life’s. Yes, that’s was very racist and unfair.
Summer maddness1968, yeah it was sad that a lot of famous black entertainers from that time period had to leave America because of the racism and lynching going on in America down south and after returning they thought that freedom was finally going to be there's after beating the evil empire unfortunately they got a sad quick reminder that they are back on America soil home of Jim Crow seeing strange fruits swinging from a tree
Wakka Wakka Wakka, all that might be true but the sad thing is that a lot of black American soldiers were treated way better over in Germany than they were when they were on American soil prior to going to fight the evil empire they didn't have the classification of ppl like America does over in Germany a black man isn't classified as a black German citizen just a German citizen. Once we can get everyone in America to be classified as just Americans like every other country does I do believe that we'll be able to get along better with each other
Player #33497296, the thing about forgetting about the past and not trying to fix or change anything about the racism in America we're bound to continue to repeat the same dumb racist things that Jim Crow wanted for this country and passed the racist beliefs to the next generation.and yes Jim Crow has great great great grandkids continuing on with the work that he started nearly 200 years ago
RaunchRabbit1, the German pow were white even though they weren't yet classified as white so yes they got treated better than the black Americans soldiers
We all bleed red. Racism robs us all. United we stand, divided we fall.