Which two months are named after real historical figures?
Correct answer: July & August

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
The description says that the Julian Calendar is the most popular calendar in use today. It is not! The most common is the Gregorian Calendar, which is a refinement of the Julian Calendar, adopted by countries at different times from starting from the 1500s. There a four counties still using the Julian. Other calendars include the Hebrew Calendar and the Hijri Calendar.

I am not a number.
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin, well spotted ! Also the 15th March didn't "become known as the ides", it was already the ides, which was a day in every month of the Roman calendar: either the 15th day of "full months" or the 13th of "hollow months".

I am not a number.
But other than those two things, it is one of the better explanations. I hope Craig Snell's teacher gave a decent grade for the paper.

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin, I'm sure almost all of what you said is correct except there's also The Ethiopian Calander. As it's 11/03/2024 G.C. today it's also 02/07/2016 E.C. in my country.

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
Binnie, thanks for adding that good information. I didn't mean to exclude it.

Paul Steadman
Surely the Gregorian calendar is the most used calendar today not the Julian.

Since both Julius and Augustus were rulers with equal power, their months had to have the same number of days, the only two consecutive months with the same number of days.

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin, the so called "hebrew" calendar is in fact the lunar calendar, it just has hebrew names for the month. the lunar calendar is also far more widely used than just by the hebrews

Player #62752956
Player #82905928, the Caesarean section was used long before Julius Caesar was born, but unfortunately to save the baby when the mother died in childbirth.

Terry, Beware the Ides of March

Alex, I am not a number ., I am so quick.

I am not a number., I am so Quick.

Easy question. In grammar school we learn about Julius and Augustus Caesar.

Beware the Ides of March

Et tu Brutus?

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin, what about the Persian calendar?

anyone else study Augustus in Imperial Image in classics???

Player #82905928, I had to read that more than once. They are saying neither one was born by cesarean, and therefore cesarean was not named after them.

Makir. ALmi

Player #82905928, Well I think they had the theory figured out, no mention of whether the mother survived though.

Caesar was also supposed to have said, "The die has been cast" as he crossed the Rubicon...

sandals ☢️⚠️
Julius Caesar was the first ceasearean

Player #82905928
Interesting because there were no cesarean section operations back then!!!