Who besides Bob Hope has hosted the Academy Awards the most number of times?
Correct answer: Billy Crystal

I don't watch the Academy awards show anymore. It is one profession that love to honor one another. They are not nearly as honorable as other professions such as nurses, airplane pilots...I could think of a bunch.

faithfulservent, they also feel that because they have some celebrity their thoughts and opinions are important and more correct than ours

Player #6852065
there will never be another comedian like Bob Hope.

The last Academy Awards show this year had no host. Queen with Adam Lambert opened the show which was amazing and we didn't have to listen to a half assed monologue from a host in love with him or herself.

Lottie Lilley-Coles
I don't like the award shows anymore. movies I love are not even mentioned.

Player #50166468
faithfulservant, wonderful comment! I have thought the same thing. And while there are a few in the entertainment profession today that I like and admire, I think they are well awarded for their work in the enormous money that they get.

According to Dr. Phil, at least 50% of the people in Hollywood have Narcissistic Personality Disorder (the pathological kind). Expecting anything but grandiose, over-the-top behavior is not logical.

And then we had Will Smith slap Chris Rock this year...

Player #2512936
Player #6852065, He was also a great humanitären. He risked His Life to Entertain The troops!

Player #5100533
Player #1267575, Just take them as you get them....

Y'all are pathetic. The Oscar's are meant to be watched for entertainment. And if you hate Hollywood and actors so much, turn off your TVs and YOUTUBE and Amazon Prime, stop paying $15 or more to go to movies and innovate jobs to replace all the jobs they support. Then you can be taken seriously.

Player #1267575
What is with the categories? this was a science icon for me!