Who was the Carthaginian General that led elephants over the Alps to attack Rome?
Correct answer: Hannibal

Carthage is Tunisia, for who don't know where is it now.

Something that it's not generally taught in school is who defeated Hannibal. The answer is Scipio Africanus and I'm not making that up.

Montana Lady
An old documentary talked about how elephants were afraid of pigs & fire. So one of the armies (Roman, I think? ) put pitch on pigs, lit them on fire, and catapulted them at the advancing elephants... I don't recall what battle, but it worked. The screams of the pigs and the fire freaked out the elephants and they would not advance.
It was such an awful image of war and cruelty, that it turned my stomach then and has always stuck with me.

poor elephants

Player #3928781, the years in BC move backwards. Like year 1 BC is 1 year before Christ. The year 200 BC. is 200 years before Christ. Now in 2019 is 2019 years After Christ.

Player #19644104
Newcomer4626, North Africa. Not all Africans are dark skinned

Player #12299706
Montana Lady, horrible humans,we are supposed to protect and make animal kingdom live not torture and kill . special place in hell for animal abusers

Canis Lupus
FiestySamurai59001, Poor pigs!

Hannibal quote: 'I will either find a way, or make one.'

Newcomer4626, being of African descent does not actually determine the color of your skin. I have family who have immigrated from Africa in the past 20 years who are not dark skinned. In fact their coloring is similar to the illustration above, which is not white either.

Player #11503902,
Sorry to burst your bubble, but only one of Hannibal's elephants survived the trek across the mountains.

little b
I've not been to gddddg

Humans are the most hard hearted creations on this earth! Most of them can only think of war/killing each other as a way to solve problems!

AluminumAardvark101, never knew that, thank you!

Player #19644104, actually color has nothing to do with being from The Continent of Africa... Many are very pale In tone white... Don't let ignorance confuse the children learn....

Animal brutality at its best!

Player #19644104, yeah whites settled in the south and during the apartheid regime was one of the most racial discriminate countries

Jaminus Optimus, We are all of Africa descent if you go back far enough. it is the cradle of humanity.

El Paz
Montana Lady, I guess that means you'll never find an elephant queuing up for a bacon butty 🥓🥖 at Greggs,,,,, lol 😂😂🐘🐘🐘

Harfouche Rodge
Carthagenians were a Phoenician community from Tyr in Lebanon. Phoenicians had many other satellite cities in the Mediterranean. Ex: Spain, Sicily, Malta...Fact is, Europe was named after a Phoenician princess.

Montana Lady, man that’s disgusting. Humans can be so barbaric. I cry for all the horses and dromedaries who’s lives were lost in all this war brutality madness.

Hannibal had dark skin.

Nader Shah, the Persian emperor, attacked India in 1739. The Indian army used elephants. Persians put torches on the back of mules and sent them towards the elephants. Mules backs burned and their screaming scared the elephants. Indian elephants defeated the Indian army. 😱

j fn b
SOS, Romans had slaves and fed christians to lions. they were far and away more horrible to humans.

j fn b
Arkturianas, he is wrong

j fn b
Player #11503902, Romans had seen many before this. ie the first punic war. my god!

j fn b
AluminumAardvark101, Wrong. so very off. Carthage was so much larger then just modern day Tunisia. it covered much of north africia and the middle east where it started.

AluminumAardvark101, thanks

Roy Jones
Night at the museum

Roy Jones
Night at the musuem movie

Guillermo Jr.
Hannibal Burress is a great comedian and writer

It sounds like Cannibal... 🤣

cleofe Laganson
so many random names in so little time.

Montana Lady, that is possibly the most horrific thing I've ever read. Such cruelty

always thought it was Genghis Kahn

many don't know that later, in late antiquity, that the Vandals, a Germanic tribe, ruled North Africa

Hannibal ante portas

Sandman, Nothing has really changed 😉

Player #25874027, Maybe that's where that saying came from (when the pigs were catapulted they "flew")

Montana Lady, That's awful! The poor animals. Some humans are so cruel! 😥