The Japanese Army atrocities during WW2 included cannibalism.
Correct answer: True

If true, has Japan's government ever owned up to this obvious atrocity & offered an apology? Has ANYONE been tried...WAR CRIMES? My GOD!

Princess 'M'
For anyone interested in history; check-out a Bestselling 1997 Non-fiction book by Iris Chang : The Rape of Nanking. It's all about the massacre....shocking, horrifying, unbelievable....I got so angry and couldn't sleep....this book was an eye opener!

this is not the most horrible thing they did in WW2. They raped used and killed hundreds of thousands chinese and other women. It was their official recreational program for soldiers.

that is one of the most horrible things I have ever heard

Joanne McKinnon, WTF thats the nastiest thing ive ever heard or thought of!

Sometimes, if not all, it would be wonderful if they taught the real truth on history, and not watered down or changed.

Thanks for sharing our REAL HISTORY! I had no idea.

True definition of war being hell

MagicalTorpedo4634, and they wanted reparation for Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Player #96919
IfYouSeeKay803, Disgusting to think that fellow humans could commit such hienus acts

Princess 'M', I remember reading this book in its entirety. It was very difficult to read. part of the reason why the Japanese soldiers were so primed to do awful things with the way their Superior officers treated them. Just one example would be that the Japanese officers with defecate in their underwear and then order their underlings to wash that underwear by hand.

Destino Manifesto
I don't doubt that many of the "facts" stated in the question and by gamers are true. But assimilate as much real education as you can before you take a statement to be true facts. In the meantime, "take it all with a huge grain of salt".

Player #1489294
Please Americans and Canadians wake up. It could happen again.

Player #1489294
I agree with you. It would wake people up to really dif go on.

Player #1489294
You di not realize what you wrote.

Player #1489294
Princess 'M',
Everyone should try and read this to learn what has and did happen. It would wake a lot of people up to honest and sickening true facts.

Princess 'M', Thanks for the suggestion. I'll look it up.

Player #20432
Princess 'M', That was a very interesting book.

MagicalTorpedo4634, the truth is so much worse. They routinely fed Chinese children to their dogs, raped then ate Chinese females (the younger, the better, as there was less chance of diseases). They (Japan) did not accept anyone else as human.

DilligentToad45522, joy division