On which river does The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn take place?
Correct answer: Mississippi River

Player #107518
the first book that treated black people with compassion.

Player #107518, Yes, and Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn saw no color. Big Jim was simply their friend.

Just finished reading Tom Sawyer for the umpteenth time, it's Huck's turn again...they just never get old, somehow.

FunkyMonkey, Wish I could reach out to you and explain that your constant sarcasm comes across more as ignorance. I'm sure you're just trying to be funny, but it seems snarky.

Twain was one of America's great authors. Period.

Player #2686732
WhisperingRover91587, Not all black people feel that way. Most don’t. And the schools were the ones banning this literature because of the words in it (not black people) paying no attention to the content.

love Samuel Clemens!!!

White and black are equal

a great reading

Centenarian, yes they are! God made us all. We all bleed red when cut!

I’ve watched Tom and huck too many times lol!

nuzzles, would be awesome

NanaYoda, AMEN We all have feelings and are God's children.

JimmyLovesQL, You are correct!

Birdiemom, Such an interesting and exciting book and movie.

I have wanted to travel the Mississippi River for a long time

NanaYoda, I think you are absolutely right God made us all the same even though we may have different coloring

Player #35387966
What a great book and a great story I think it got a lot of young boys thinking about adventure.

Player #19472386
Agood read anytime.

the first book I got as a Xmas present and I loved it so long ago

Linda Lou
Player #2686732, I agree

i didn't mean that

Player #2504157
7gjhtcht f hyuoo

Player #4213084
WhisperingRover91587, dc

First white people are racist towards black people, then they are racist towards white people. What is wrong with this country?

ShoddyVerdict1, What white privilege? There is no such thing. You shouldn't be guilty being born a certain way because your ancestors took advantage of the way they were born. They did those things, not you. Don't be ashamed of the way God created you. If you are black, be proud to be black. If you are white, be proud to be white! If you are Asian, Hispanic, Latino, Albino, etc., Be proud of that!

WhisperingRover91587, Isn't that the truth!!

Zell. I am a female
loved the book and movie

Player #2708800
WhisperingRover91587, 😶