How old is the original Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bar?
Correct answer: 116 years old

Player #227530
Rewrite the question to ask what year it was invented. It's 2018 now which makes it 118 years old

That chocolate bar must have gone very white by now

Sorry, Americans, but to us, Europeans, your best chocolate tastes like a mediocre substitute for it.

Phil Oliver
121 years old and counting. When will the game creators update this question???

Nothing beats Cadbury's in my opinion although Milka is good too as is Lindt white chocolate. Yes, I'm an addict.

Mario Suedi
Player #227530, thats alot of chocolate. Sounds like a reason to hav a chocolate party.

Big Daddy
Yea... as time goes by, this question gets more and more wrong.

Player #1137636
After working at a chocolate factory...a Hershey's bar just doesn't cut it when I have a serious chocolate craving. I need one with at least 50% cocoa to curb my fix!

Player #27588236
if you can't say anything nice...

Steve o n jenni
david060742, it is now 118 years old

Player #97184361
Centenarian, For me it’s Lindt 1st, then Hersheys 2nd anything after.!!!

124 js. 😂😁

Must be related to Jack Benny ….found a good age and staying there!

it's 2024, now

Hershey’s Bar, Forever 116 (years old) 😁

I love Hershey's kisses. I don't know why it gets so much hate.

Reported it and suggested the correct answer should say 120+ years.

Dorania, it's certainly not American's best but it is a favorite of many.

Cadbury’s has always been the best. I used to live close to there and could smell it being made 😋

Player #12828118
it's now 122 years old.

My Aunt sent us these chocolate bars at Christmas when my brother and I were children. It tastes like what we call "cooking chocolate". Chocolate in Europe, including Britain is noticeably better.

Player #27629454
Dorania, that's funny the American company Mars is the number one chocolate by sales in the world, and out of the top 10 best selling chocolate companies in the world America holds 3 of them

Dorania, Sadly, I agree. But our Dove chocolates are getting close!

the creators of this game should update their dates

Player Alexandra
Top 5: Global Trivia, Cadbury with caramel which is Caramello? Yum

Player Alexandra
DSDA, I love those too and Hershey Nuggets. They make those with almonds too I think. 🤩

Hershey's bar with almonds is my favourite Hershey product.

Player #227530, for me 2019 so 119 yrs.

Dorania, Oh you are correct.

Player #227530, Tick tick... Now its119 years old.

Player #1489294
Hershey's chocolate.....wonderful!!!

Laudy Miss Claudy
Player #227530, Actually it's 2019 now.

Some Countries don't have this product.