What two things did Mickey Rooney and Artie Shaw have in common?
Correct answer: Both married 8 times and married Ava Gardner

Montana Lady
In other words, they were both schmucks....

They must have loved wedding cake ?

Suzy Z
They must have known the marriage ceremony by heart!! That’s a lot of times
Isn’t the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different outcome?

Marrying eight times and going through seven divorces?
Adventurous story.

I think back then, you didn't do certain things unless you were married. those guys clearly wanted those " certain things"--😉

Montana Lady, my mom was married 8 times. had 4 step-dads, not good!! Ended up with my beloved Grandfather at age 10, saved my life and sanity!! RIP!!!

well, you know what they say... if you've been married 3 or more times..... maybe it's YOUR fault ....

Player #7929563
Does it get tiresome seeking out someone, dating, marrying and divorcing only to start the process all over again? I am just curious. It can take a long time into your marriage to continue learning about them but it is fun!!

Player #3833664
@GiGi2010, Agree Was amazed to see year break (more than once) prior to marrying again Suppose some folks like getting married

Player #21374632
Player #7929563, it’s true,,many people are just hooked on falling in love and marrying, etc,,

Soleil10001, Mickey Rooney was divorced 6 times, Artie Shaw 8 times

Mickey's true love was Judy Garland, but she didn't reciprocate.

TnBaby, typical Hollywood actors and actresses

toe jam
l Googled, Mickey Rooney and it said he only had two thousand dollars when he passed away. he left it to his stepson. I guess he had to support all those wife's and the kids.

They both got around a lot!

Pancho477, 🤣

Player #29049929
Suzy Z, to

Player #16702581
oops.. divorces take time and money. one was enough for me 25 yrs. uggh.

Player #16702581
surprised they had any time for anything else. Divorces

Soleil10001, tragic .. really...

Player #21374632
Player #10381263 ber, those gals didn’t cook, had paid help cooking for them, lol, i bet

Player. Ty
Twice was enough for me....
The Dumb F..ks Club 😀

DeDark Queendom
Those guys were dogs and set very bad examples for youth. Also, they "ruined" a lot of young girls who they did not marry.

Player #5100533
Back "in the day", It was taboo to have sex with someone you're NOT married to. I don't think you go to HELL for getting divorced? But, you DO for Adultery.👹

Careful kids, I was married five and in only 1 case was the failure of the marriage my fault. Serial marriage is not a sign of a bad person, it's an optimist with bad judgement!

This factual details of this question defy imagination. Who & where else, but among the "Hollywood Elite" could such a thing be true. I'm just amazed by it.

Player Darius
Player #ussdefiant, Love it! it's the way it should be.

Soleil10001, Like a sharp

fanstastic life, they must not idolized.