Who is this former leader of the Lakota nation?

Correct answer: Sitting Bull

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What people think about it: 39 Comments
Player #11503902
Player #11503902
Bea’s mom, Check your facts. I am a social worker and have worked with Native American clients. I am here to tell you, they do not get a lot of resources and money from our government; never have. Have you ever been on one of their reservations. The land our government so generously gave them is useless and barren. I had to work harder for those clients, than any other client I have had in 30 years. So, keep your hateful resentment to your ignorant self. Yes the greatest harm was done long before any of us were born. We have attempted to make some things more fair for other races. For example holidays, school history on other races. We do nothing for the Indians. Some benefit from their casinos, but they even had to fight hard for those. How many tv shows do you see starring Indian families or any Indians. We can do nothing about the past for any harmed. race,but we can help them get equal treatment and respect, which every race deserves.
Player #11503902
Player #11503902
Player #913201, A our government destroyed mot of their cultures. Forced parents to give up their children, who were then placed in schools, where the children were forced to learn how to be white. I agree slavery is a horrible blot on our history. Today we see tv shows where the stars are Mexican or black and see cultural differences. We have a Martin Luther King holiday. The MexicanDay of the Dead is acknowledged and now our children are taught these cultures and history. What about the many brave Indian leaders and the important cultural celebrations of the Indians. How about a tv show depicting the Indian,ina realistic way. Instead we still see individual whites like Custer as some kind of hero. In reality he was incompetent in many ways. He was warned not to go into battle, because there was no way to win, but he lead his men into a blood bath. What did we expect from the Indians, after we had repeatedly lied and killed the buffalo. Who really were the savages
the White European Americans stole everything from the native Americans. and they continue to do so
The government wanted the Black Hills for the gold and that land was taken from the Native Americans. A lot of things were taken from them. Their heritage, their names, their hunting lands.
Player #11503902
Player #11503902
a White soldiers killed all the buffalo they could find, with the only purpose was to starve to death the Indians. Buffalo were killed ad their bodies just left to rot. We also gave the Indians blankets covered with diseases, like small pox. Again who were the real savages. Once someone dehumanizes people, they will find it easier to do great harm to them.
I'm part Lakota. Sitting Bull looks a LOT like my father.
FearsomeFlyer2654, than you are blind! Native Americans (my ancestors) were here when the Spanish, Dutch, and English all showed up and layed claim to a land that belonged to someone else. Those Europeans then started a campaign of wholesale slaughter of anyone who stood in the way of their profit margin! Remember these were corporate expeditions mainly , not For God and Country.
GAMA17, um, except for the few natives left from SA, the “Latin Americans” are Descendants of the Spanish and Portuguese invaders. Stop acting the victim. It’s pretenders like you that try to take the attention of deprivation and atrocities away from my Native America ancestors.
Player #11503902, I wish everyone would read this and understand the depth of what the white government took from my heritage!! well said Love you. go girl!!!!
Player #11503902, There is a very poignant movie directed by John Woo about the Navajo Indians who became code talkers during WWII. It is called Windtalkers. The brave Native Americans are depicted as the heroes. I bet you would like it. I did. But war is "hell".
Player #11503902 The fact that you call them Indians instead of who they are, the People or Indigenous tells me you didn't work with them.
Player #11503902, i don’t think the land was “given “. The people had to purchase land from the US government for 5 million dollars thanks to Andrew Jackson and the forced removal of Native Americans
Player #11503902, you’re right!!
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
Well you should be concerned about the millions who have invaded the US from the Mexico border and taking away resources from you and others who been here for generations
Sad but true….
The photo is inaccurate also. I don't think Sitting Bull traveled in a helicopter.
He was a peaceful chief who tried to make peace with the white people.
mustlovedogz, white European Americans stole/steal everything from everybody, not just native Americans
I, agree. Most of the photos on these questions, such as this one. Is misleading.
Player #11803969
Player #11803969
How can Sitting Bull be in a picture with helicopters when he died in 1890?
Player #44240059
Player #44240059
The question asks who is pictured, but the photo does not match the question.
tjacks, Check your history, the peace loving indians were fighting each other and conquering other tribes long before the eeville white man arrived.
Loc Cle
Loc Cle
The picture implied that was Sitting Bull. Even tho there was no color photography while he was alive it's easy to be confused by this question. Please make sure questions are easy to understand, so they can be answered correctly.
uh, yeah...so this picture no longer matches the question.
Player #39374177
Player #39374177
Player #11503902, appreciate you and your perspective.
Player #39332035
Player #39332035
My Aunt's Father in Law is the grandson of Sitting Bull
Mischevious Mike
Mischevious Mike
1890? Where did the helicopter come from?
Am I the only one seeing a picture of kids, perhaps on a military base?
Player #11503902, If white men would stop dehumanizing their own children the world would be as God intended.
Foxy_Roxy_1956, because only Europeans commit atrocities? Please, so-called Native Americans came here from Asia and displaced prior groups themselves. They were constantly at war with each other and practiced slavery as well. Some groups in Africa continue these practices today. I'm not saying that these practices are okay, but human beings of every color and ethnic background have done bad things at one time or another
MC Merci
MC Merci
*Medicine Anyway, whoever wrote this needs to brush up on their Native American history. I strongly recommend Mari Sandoz, "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee" by Dee Brown, & "Crazy Horse & Custer: the Parallel Lives of Two American Warriors" by the great American historian, Stephen E. Ambrose. Of note, is that the latter two sourced Mari Sandoz' work. Source: am Oglala Lakota
MC Merci
MC Merci
This is not correct. Sitting Bull was a medecine man who was also a Hunkpapa Lakota chief; he was the medecine man during the Battle of Little Bighorn. Crazy Horse was an Oglala Lakota Chief who was leader over all the Sioux & Cheyenne at the Battle of Little Bighorn. Red Cloud was also an Oglala Lakota Chief who was noted for trying to bring about peace for his people. When you enter the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation from the north (Badlands National Park), a sign greets you with "Welcome to Red Cloud Nation". So the real answer is: Crazy Horse, Red Cloud, & Sitting Bull. But none of these chiefs were over any of the others. There is no hierarchy amongst chiefs just as there is no such thing as Indian "princesses" because there is no chief heirship synonymous to royalty.
Jill Marie
Jill Marie
how did he die in 1880 but surrendered to U.S. after returning from Canada in 1881. fact checker please?
Hmmm. The question says "Who is this..." inferring that it's a picture of him. I'm guessing that picture wasn't taken before 1890.
“This” who? Certainly not the kids in the photo...
According to my DNA, I am 21% African, 9% Native American, a few other small %s, and about 60% European. I’m ashamed of the 60%. The atrocities our ancestors committed against anyone different from them are a cause for great shame and heartache.
Player #23243731
Player #23243731
It looks like the wrong picture is linked to this question. I don't think Sitting Bull ever danced in front of a helicopter. There are certainly no color photos of him, although there were colorized photo cards and postcards.
Player #19044530
Player #19044530
if Sitting Bill lived until only 1890, why is there a helicopter in the photo?
Player #21437290
Player #21437290
Terrible question since the picture doesn't match.