Who likely said "Nearly all men can stand adversity but if you want to test a man's character give him power"?
Correct answer: Abraham Lincoln

Player #9442102
Player #4446764, I wish we had another Abraham Lincoln for president. Even though Lincoln was a Republican! He was an awesome man.

Player #27696431
submissive, loyal wives turning dictatorial when they become breadwinners? Give me a break! What a terrible example. So, don't let women work outside the home and keep them submissive or they'll turn tyrannical.

Pamela Richardson
Player #9442102, I'm a Republican and that's a good thing.

Power is in the wrong hands ... in the hands of loud-mouthed incompetents.

this had to be written by a a man mad at his wife

Player #43793761
"Likely" means may have... If he's not known to have said it, then why speculate? Terrible question.

Great comment for all ages!!!

Player Gigi #28446253
Maxaroosmems23, He wrote it to save the Union!

Player #9442102, the reference to women bread winners becoming " dictators" is badly expressed. Rewrite this response.

one of my favorite Abe quotes

Player #9442102, the reason he was assasinated… for being a good man

I agree to much power for a person or group of people is no good. To much adversity for the common good.

herb198220, X president

Player #13023389
I didn't know the answer, I should have since I am very well versed on Abraham Lincoln. Debby