Which city has the street with the nickname, the "Crookedest Street in the World" ?
Correct answer: San Francisco, California

nimblemoon, I drove down it once when I lived in the Bay Area. Once was enough! Beautiful neighborhood though. Loved Cali, northern and southern.

Pro tip: don't try to walk up (or down) wearing flip flops.

Player JT
I'm a native of S.F. Drove down Lombard many a time. You can't do it now. Closed except to residence. When open, it had become a nightmare to the residents, particularly on the weekends

Actually headed there tomorrow! So looking forward to our visit

I was born in sanfransico .Love to visit it sometimes ,but could never love there now.i have been down that street before I find it interesting and a little creepy too

Player #22589120
Rode down Lombard Street in 1977. My crazy cousin who had just got his license drove us down at breakneck speed. Never again!!!

My brother took me on it many years ago and l still remember it well

Player Glamingo60
There was some talk of closing it to outside traffic because the poor inconvenienced residents were tired of the tourists. Yep. I’ve been and done.

Burlington Iowa has Snake alley which is the crookedest street in America according to Guinness book of world records

condee55, Burlington, Iowa really has a much more "crooked" Snake Alley....has always been a contest with the two!!

I lived in S. F. for over 50 years.

yeah, but no one talks about the other side; just as steep, and straight down!

Love that street!

My late Half-Brother, LaRone, live in the SF area most of his life, and he knew the city and it's history very well. A visit to him always included a narrated tour of the city and of course, Lombard St. An experience I will never forget!

CyndiWig1, I’m a North Cali native !

Player JT, We drove down it last month, so it appears to be open to the public again.

Rode down Lombard in a station wagon with 8 other passengers. Fun fun fun! But Vermont Street (also in San Francisco) is crookeder.

I would love to see a YouTube video showing people walking up and down Lombard and also driving. It’s intriguing. New York City just has Washington heights with those steep hills. Hate them.

Guillermo, I don’t get it, but o.k. !

I'm Frosty
Gunnar Gunderson, of course he did!! you didn't have to Bust 'em out....

Gunnar Gunderson
Player JT, Did you mean "residents"?

Dark Helmet 2
Thank you to the cab driver that wanted to give (swindle) me a tour of SF to include this famous road back in the late 90s. Loved the beautiful city!

Beautiful,absolutely Amazing and Stunning, My children ❤ loved it.

Just put it on my bucket list!

Have walked it. Note to Self: Next time walk down it, not up...Whew....

Eureka California up North in Humboldt County has a street downtown fashioned just like Lombard street in San Francisco 😊 It's a super cool little town!

Scott LaFollett
and the crookedest government.

and a great port-a-john for our homeless brethren!

Player #20971219
When we were children my father took me my sister, our two little brothers and our mother to Lombard Street. When my mom saw the distance

Player #9374174
never been. would love to go😊

O wow! I would love to visit.

Player #13501314
went down it once

you are so right 😍... beautiful town and that particular is so scenic. I believe I read recently that it is now closed to any motorised vehicle although I have always thought that motorcycles were never allowed because of foot traffic

seen it and it is a beautiful area

nancyinfernley, that would give it away! We are supposed to be guessing which one is the crookedest. It is a beautiful street.