Which U.S. state has the highest fresh water-to-land ratio?
Correct answer: Michigan

so proud to be a yooper and a michigander

i live in michigan

Player #164114
cool fact

Player #2286950
FightingGourmet89200, yes. Why? Their water problems are due to corrosion of the infrastructure not the actual water source. Much of it is lead based and in desperate need of upgrades. Many municipalities of a certain age face the same challenge.

Player #2761473, This was exactly my thought. how can the state with the largest amount of clean, fresh drinking water poison so many? The corruption and greed of the US is beyond sick.

proud resident of the Great Lakes state, also known the Mitten!

Player #2761473
What about the poisoned water in Flynt.

Michigander born and raised!

Id like to fish there

Player #2761473, .Sad is what it is. Forget "the wall", get those people clean drinking water!

Player #120374466
Emeraldkat, The EPA is absolutely useless in protecting the environment. They only go after California farmers who wants to grow things on their lands.

Player #120374466
Now we know where to go if the West gets too short of water!

also the other states listed aren't fresh water, right?

Player #116358201
Slipkid, the license plate you mentioned is available again.

Player #66524034
Player #2761473, kind of ironic.

Julia, I’m also from DETROIT, and lived Downriver for 60 years, Trenton. You never appreciate something so much until it’s gone. I’m in Texas now but Michigan is still home!!

blueeyesmomma, I grew up in Downriver Detroit and loved it. I have also been all over the state including the UP. Beautiful state and was great fishing when I lived there

Shelby Johnson
Player #38618593, Hawaii is a volcanic set of islands, 90% of their "land mass %" is just hardened lava, not soil, rock which has fresh water sources unlike hardened lava.

Player #38618593
Hawaii has that much fresh water? Rivers, lakes, ponds, etc.? I never would have guessed it.

Player #39688920
they are not giving me my 500 pt. at end of the round when i watch the commercials

They have all that water and the poor people of Flint, Michigan still ended up with bad water. So sad.

Player #30835913
Player #2761473, poisoned water in Phoenix. AZ. also.

Player #32642847
so glad to be a michigander

Dr. Deb
there's no doubt about it, we michiganders love our mitten! btw, the question asked for the state with the highest FRESH water to land ratio, not salt water, or dirty water, or how much of the water is polluted. go green, go white!

I feel this question need to be update and need to do a new survey

Player #27619003
missing word coastline

Player #18149483
Emeraldkat, what happened in Flint was an accident, and the state did everything it could as fast as it could to remedy the situation🚚

Player #16094728
Forever a Michigan woman!

Player #9651136
This one was easy as I am a Michigander!

Player #17957127
what about Florida's aquifer system? better to phrase the question "most surface freshwater to land ratio"

I miss the days Michigan's license plates said Water Winter Wonderland

Player #4532360
never no that

Player #11771355

TRUMP2020, because you answered incorrectly?

the question was asked incorrectly.

Player #2761473, it's clean now.

blueeyesmomma, Me too

I picked Hawaii not knowing it would be that close of a toss up with Michigan. They are surrounded by the most clean water yet struggling to get clean drinking water due to all the corrosion, lead and other things in their water. This question had to be before all the bad stuff happened....and they still don't have clean drinking water. 🤬

Player #2761473, Flint

The question asks about water to land ratio, not freshwater coastline. Big difference.