What was the code name of the informant used by Woodward and Bernstein in the Watergate scandals?
Correct answer: Deep Throat

I laughed when I saw "deep throat", but laughed louder because its the correct answer! 😂

Montana Lady
The name "Deep Throat" was also the name of a popular adult film released that year & was chosen for its double entendre, since it also went along with how he was a deeply embedded source (2nd highest position in the FBI) and with a similar double entendre for "whistle-blower".

Gëna Lyn Froggatt
I thought that was something starring Lynda Lovelace? Deep throat?

I wonder how many people play this game.... it's the best game ever designed.

I just guessed what sounded intelligent. Turns out I was wrong... VERY WRONG....

So many in politics of today need to go to jail. Wish there was a Deep Throat II.

Fred the Cat
All The President's Men is a good Hollywood movie that centers on Woodward and Bernstein as they investigate this story.

ewok 44
I am addicted to this game

there's a character in x files names deep throat

Should have known there was a proper definition for those words haha

duplicate question

Gëna Lyn Froggatt, I thought so too.

Best game ever. This game calms me down, which is good?

straight. to. the. comments.

Player #127150576
Just started playing! Great game, but I got to get to bed!!!! Good night ✌️

Fred the Cat, you'd likely enjoy the movie All the Kings Men as well if you care to take a gander.

Ymrarose, the joke was Nixon had to take his wife to see deep throat twice to get it down pat pat Nixon

Yes, this is a very good game and you learn facts. You know there is a companion app called Quiz Creator. You submit a question, the correct answer, three wrong answers, a web link to the source of the anwer, and a picture that is relevant.

Gëna Lyn Froggatt, That's where the name is from due to the appropriateness of the name of the film and the "deep throat" from which the information exchange was from. The FBI and the other government agencies love to use creative names for their plots and plans.

Richard Nixon was getting that Linda Lovelace around this time lol

Im good in Deep Throat. Just Kidding.

The actual informant was Forest Gump. Didn't you see the movie?

Wannabe Vulcan
hazel, anything he could to get a head.

Wannabe Vulcan
Player #35738214, so the big moment came, and you choked!

Wannabe Vulcan
Liisse, didn't hurt Woodward's and Bernstein's book sales either, I'm sure.

Wannabe Vulcan
Ymrarose, yeah, politics just gets harder and harder to swallow.

how many times does the same question & answer come up?... I've answered this at least 2x before.


starting to use the same questions over again

Ymrarose, Hilary Clinton should be one of the many to go to jail.

Player #30763598
Gëna Lyn Froggatt, It was she was the one with the deep throat.

Already had this question

Fred the Cat, thank you for the info. I'm going to look up this movie and watch it. 🙂

Rockin'Mom, these questions are too easy

2nd time you asked this question

GamerSymon, same 😂

I keep seeing comments mentioning Linda Lovelace. Who was she?
Also, I was an ankle biter at the time, and am from UK, so I don't really know what the Watergate scandal was, except people generally say Nixon wasn't a baddie, I think he looked like Bob Hope, who reminds me of Kelsey Gramar (spelling?), the guy from Cheers who then played Frasier, and now seems to enjoy his riches mostly playing golf.

Player #23514521, Good on you darl, keep going🥰

Gëna Lyn Froggatt, Yep, somebody had a brain fade, "yeah, let's codename it Deep Throat. The may have been out at the time, early 70s

An unfortunate code name. Wonder if it increased film sales? Possibly made Linda Lovelace rich.