At which US university were 4 students killed by National Guardsmen?
Correct answer: Kent State

4 dead in ohio...a familar song with meaning

PanhandleGuy, One of the girls there wasn't even a student. She was just passing through. She lived 10 miles from where I was living at the time. Besides, who fires a gun into a group of kids armed with stones?

“Tin soldiers and Nixon coming
We’re finally on our own
This summer I hear the drumming
Four dead in Ohio.”

Player Tamsen
I have a friend who went to college there and was on campus when it happened. His studious friend died as he was walking between late classes. It led to major distrust and fear of the government. My friend left for Canada until justice returned a few years later.

Player #2845724
penawareof, Actually Crosby, Stills,Nash and Young wrote and recorded “Ohio”. Young later left the group. The band completed the song in record time because the subject matter was so current and they wanted their views out immediately.

a sad state America is in cuz now shootings are happening all the time...

Neil Young performed the song "Ohio".

Player SQinfoNUTS
ProteanCormorant9877, we are here. And we're still doing what matters: showing up, voting, asking questions, and planting trees.

Wendell Thomas, and also, Cooley High in Detroit suffered casualties when police raided the school looking for members of the Black Panther party (who were nowhere near the school). Our house was shot up and soon my dad moved us out if Detroit into the suburbs. It was a bloody mess for sure. There was Free Press coverage but that was abt it. 1970 was a horrible year in Detroit and other big cities with universities protesting Vietnam and trying to suffocate emergence of those supporting unrest, black freedoms, Malcolm X, Tim Leary and such as the Black Panthers. I was a scared to death kid for sure.

I got this
At a peaceful protest? They thought the students were armed?! I don't think so.

I've recently joined the quizzes. I read comments on some of the responses. (It is calmer than Facebook!) I am heartened by all of the memories that are shared. Some quite personal... some sad recollections. Thank you all for putting your feelings out there.

I was very young but I remember my father saying 2 of them weren't even students but professional protesters. I haven't fact-checked

DDDiva, Amen!

Player SQinfoNUTS, WHAT??!!!

Player #130998363
So a "mostly peaceful protest"

sugarbear33204, ,1st gunshot was from a reporter who wasn't supposed to be armed

Player #34450063, I have read and researched a lot about the Kent State shooting. I have been on the campus where it happened. I have never heard anything about clay balls with razor blades in them. I worked with a lady who was a secretary at the National Guard. She was working when the guardsmen returned to the base and heard them laughing about the shooting. She turned in her resignation the next day.

Lash, there is a movie called Kent State. It was broadcast once on TV. I had a VHS tape of it in my high school library. For some reason it is difficult to find this movie.

That was an ugly day in the modern history of the US.
Reminds me of of Billy Jack. Killing Americans in America for protesting? Barbaric.

InsatiableGoal55358, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young.

Player #118044812
Player #33237366, I'm sad for you, player33237366

Player #118044812
Canis Lupus, I remember that!!!

Player #118044812
Wendell Thomas, I was not aware. not much has changed in this day & age. So sad

Neil Young!!!

InsatiableGoal55358, Neil Young

especially when the government was constantly lying about the Black Panthers committing crimes that they weren't doing and spreading fear across the country about black people carrying firearms in public which is something that hasn't changed much since

Player #82003701
sugarbear33204, sad

Lady Rocket
sugarbear33204, yea, that, our government...,nice. huh?

I remember a movie about this incident! Wish I could find it on DVD! It was a very good but sad at the same time!

Agreed... a very sad and historically true song.

Player #4476480, Thanks! I'll look for it. Terrible, times, terrible loss.

DDDiva, I thought there was a movie about that in the 70's? Was that bad info I had?

InsatiableGoal55358, Exactly what I came to comment! Thank you.

Reese, very true. The media can name the groups anything they choose, but behind many uprising today, Communist instigators are still hard at work...and sad to say, making progress.

that happened during the time when you could watch the news and see what's really happening. unlike now when buildings and cars r on fire and the News will say its just a mostly peaceful protest

Player #49949892
I meant Kent

Player #46964422
sugarbear33204, people getting hit by stones

Player #46976238
What's happening in our country now is not peaceful protesting,it is riots and murder and theft.It could be stopped.Its happening in Dem. states.They want to go on and on And on.I hope it all backfires on them.

sugarbear33204, the government! Done it for ages!!

Play grananny
Wendell Thomas, Sad💔