When did the Cuban Missile Crisis occur?

Correct answer: October, 1962

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What people think about it: 22 Comments
I remember the day JFK interrupted "The Beverly Hillbillies" with his announcement. I was 16 and scared s***less.
Player Suze Eckert
Player Suze Eckert
I was 5 at the time, & my father was building a fallout shelter in our basement.
Player.    Ty
Player. Ty
Where I live,Peekskill;N.Y. on the Hudson River is where the Navy kept The Moth Ball Fleet, those were the ships they used for the Blockade. I remember my father taking down to the Hudson and watching at least 50~75 Ships Steaming by. GO NAVY⚓😎
Was in grade school at the time and we had drills where we went to the school's subbasement.
BrainyWinner79699, That was not a cool memory. I still get scared remembering how close we came to being in a nuclear war! I'm aware of how quickly things can escalate!
Player #10628065
Player #10628065
It was a very serious event. I knew a lady who packed up her 7 kids and moved in with her mother in the country until it was over.
I was 10. we had drills at school where we had to huddle under our desks in case of a nuclear attack. how ridiculous was that? but just goes to show how very little people knew about nuclear weapons at that time
And who here recalls “Duck & Cover”? How naive we all were to fall for that one… I was 12 and I still recall standing outside my house, crying as I thought we were going to get blown to bits (we lived within striking range of the Alameda Navy yards at the time…
I wish we had strong leadership like that now.
Black & yellow Civil Defense signs identified fallout shelters in every city and town. School basements were bomb shelters. Nuclear annihilation was 20 minutes away and we understood fear. The Cold War was very stressful.
I was 1 month old when JFK was assassinated. My mother told me how awful his death was. My parents said the country was stunned. They also told me about the missile crisis, and how scared people were.
Tina M.
Tina M.
WaldoLydeker, I was 17 and also terrified! I remember feeling so helpless.
Player #58092313
Player #58092313
Tina, this is the only thing I remember about JFK.
Me and my siblings were kids. Dad built a bomb shelter scary time.
Player. Ty, Not too many people are aware of the Mothball Fleet. Even the U.S.S. Constitution is still on the active roll...
Guillermo Jr.
Guillermo Jr.
first in a long series of news media predictions of the end of the world.
Player #22589120
Player #22589120
I was only 2 years oldat the time, this I have no memory of the event. For that, I am very grateful.
Was a frightening period. On the light side watch the comedy Blast From the Past.
Player #5100533
Player #5100533
Shaddy1997, at the time I really didn't care at all about the situation. Since I was only two years old.
knowbrains, great flik, thx for recommending
I'm Frosty
I'm Frosty
WOW!!! cool memory..
I totally guessed this one and actually got it right!!!