How many code words make up the NATO phonetic alphabet ?
Correct answer: 26

I was told that these words were also chosen because they don't have rhymes so can't be misheard.

LaContessa, I can see that, except Mike/like, whiskey/frisky etc. Just off the top of my head..

Player Eldehem
My husband was a radio engineer, taught me & the kids the phonetic alphabet and 40 years later we all still remember it.

LaContessa, more the fact that the words are clear, eg if you can't say your th tango is clearly understood.

very interesting!

sorry you held my interest until the last paragraph, then you lost me!

Player Eldehem, on a side note: i believe english is the international language spoken by air traffic control

Player #113245786
brooksy92491, Way Way late response to this.. I'm just guessing she actually meant that all 26 words don't rhyme with each other. course I'm an old Skunk so who really cares? oops, ( Drunk)..

They are also used because the first letter cannot be mistaken for any other letters. because it's the first letter that matters most.

Wannabe Vulcan
Player Eldehem, I learned it from my dad when he had a private pilot's license.

baymax, yeah... that paragraph didn't make much sense did it??

DJ oonie
LaContessa, like Hotel and Motel lol

When I worked as a 911 dispatcher, this is what we used to spell someone's name and license plates for the officers.

Player #29873576
LaContessa, I was taught M for Mama

Phil Oliver thought he was clever🤣🤣🤣

it's 5 factorial or 24

LaContessa, Mike rhymes with Nike

Player Tat2 N8
baymax, Right lost me too

Player #21035860
Lydia N., Tina Fay, from the TV show 30 Rock, was in a movie with that name. Now I understand that movie better.

I knew this as a child because of my mum

Lydia N.
I love how they use them on Seal Team like "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot"

Alpha Mike Foxtrot ✌

whitefalcon6266t, has

As an aircadet while I was a teenager we had to memorize this alphabet.

Player #3833664
@Player #2438477, Impossible comparison of words you've chosen

Player #3833664
@brooksy92491, W in whiskey does not sound like F in Fhiskey Listen to begin and end of word and heard only one of de 26 not duplicates

Player #3833664
@brooksy92491, Impossible At the time was majorily used one word and one word only was assigned therefore wen heard it could only be matched to one of the 26 letters

Player #2438477
LaContessa, Mike/bike, whiskey/frisky?