Who was the European military leader in the 19th century that said, "An army marches on its stomach"?

Correct answer: Napoleon Bonaparte

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What people think about it: 15 Comments
Speaking of logistics, Eisenhower saw the impossibility of swift troop movements in America in case of emergency so he pushed for and is responsible the Interstate Highway System.
The military folks should look to the local natives for ways to obtain & preserve food sources. Not that difficult.
Delan1947, - That's the tricky part. My Grandma's knew how to do it safely, but if one doesn't, it can be dangerous.
Jaminus Optimus
Jaminus Optimus
I dislike the fact that this write up seems to inply that no generals before American Generals realised the importance of supple chains to successful military campaigns. Try reading Ceasar's The Conquest of Gual to see the importance he set on supple chains over 2000 years ago; I'm certain he wasn't the first either.
haya Fatima
haya Fatima
abe yrrrrr
Jaminus Optimus, Isreal used one tank against armies
King Inanyu
King Inanyu
ChampionNymph37634, as if these so called military folks didnt but all come from the locals as you imply..thems everywhere folks and able to adapt to military situations you urself are probably not accustomed to
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
Botoi Ogis, The 19th Century covers 1801 -1900. Napoleon rose to prominence in the late 18th Century , about 1795 I think but certainty ruled and led France from then to 1815 (Waterloo) . He was absolutely 19th Century
WaldoLydeker, Modeled after the autobahn which he had seen while administering Germany immediately after World War II.
* Seshati *
* Seshati *
[bobbo16], lol true a lot of here say in history I’ve noticed.
JezzerLX, also he was A. Hitler's idol
Napoleon's army eated a lot of onion! I remembered that from one documentary movie about that army.
Pimpao +
Pimpao +
nice trivia
woodnut, one year
Bryan Hyslopez
Bryan Hyslopez
Hopefully canning is still safe.