True or false: Red M & M's were discontinued for over a decade?
Correct answer: True

Player #1137636
I wish U.S. citizens would DEMAND proper labeling on the foods sold here. Many of toxins that the FDA approves are far worse.

Player #1137636, i agree..especially high fructose corn syrup..its banned in the UK and should be here as attributes to all kind of diseases especially type 2 diabetes

I was born in 72 but I remember my mom not letting us eat certain candy that had red and yellow dies

You can grow a grainy plant in your yard called amaranth. It has a big tall red plume and looks great with other flowers. If the dye came from that I don't know how it became toxic. you can eat those flowers.

money talks
so what is used in red mms

Gracious 7
money talks, Probably the same colorant as before the ban. Trade secret?

The FDA is too busy to work properly. FOOD should be one entity and DRUG should be another entity. I am retired from a large pharma Co. & worked closely with the FDA

Player #8988878Xet
The m&m guys met Santa!!!

Reminds me of the Alar scare of the 1990s. The media told us that apple juice is giving us all cancer. What they DIDN'T say is that you have to drink 19,000 quarts a day to suffer any ill effects

Player #1137636, some people are only happy when afraid

Be wise
They’re going to discontinue them for good because of cancer risk.

The cochineal bug has been used to dye textiles and foods for centuries. They live on cacti. They were important to the Catholic Church in Europe as a dye for the robes of Catholic cardinals. We have a small hand woven tapestry from Oaxaca, Mexico which was dyed with cochineal and plant dyes. It maintains its brilliant color after many years.

Vicki , Agreed. And the right to be informed is imperative, at least if you want to know.

ChampionNymph37634, I doubt being Russian was the factor, it's more likely that a "finding" like that can keep the research funded longer.

twintwo, so true. I've done research on so many food additives here in the United States that are banned in other countries because of the negative effect on health and avoid anything artificial (especially flavoring) it's not safe for human consumption

Player #1137636, so true. I've done a lot of research on food additives at the FDA claims are safe but our linked to so many potentially fatal diseases. just because the FDA says you can eat it, doesn't mean that you should

Mars V
AllThingsMadeNew, Including molten diarrhea!

labeled other natural ingredients are as dangerous

The green and red M&M's have always tasted the best to me; by the way that food coloring was NEVER dangerous and we shouldn't be listening to Russian studies !!

Player #1137636, The worse chemicals that have been ‘banned’ in the U,S, are sent to Mexico and other places,then the foods are sent back here for everyone to purchase. ☠️

MoodyChef92025, I did not eat food with red dye either,, lol, still don’t, really I don’t eat any food coloring if possible, to me it makes food taste bitter,,

Player #66817220
Kid culture would never be the same if green M&Ms were banned.

Player #29152846
Funny, because there are so many more things that do cause cancer. Sugar is the #1 culprit in most things that cause so many diseases.

money talks, a red dye was once used that came from the shells of bugs, carmine.

Taranchalanche, and also the seeds are used similar to quinoa.

my mom always said anything that turns your tongue a different color can't be good for you we didn't get anything red growing up

Player #29411763
money talks: Red insects called Carmine and Red 40 which causes cancer. So, they really did nothing to improve ingredients.

Player #29411763
Carmine (little red insects) are one of the ingredients in red m&ms. yuck

Player #45505475
MoodyChef92025, red dye #3 made me what I am today.

So are they safe or not?

It is red dye # 5 not 2

Guillermo Jr., hahaha 😂 you're funny and correct.

Player #16702581
I always thought it was red dye #5

Guillermo Jr.
I'll take my chances.. I'm not trying to live forever..
sheesh.. so many wussbots..

Player #21374632
ChampionNymph37634, and unless you eat a ton of them ,a little of the toxin will not harm anyone,,

Taranchalanche, and the root is made into flour!!