Which of the following is the title of a famous novel?
Correct answer: The Catcher in the Rye

Three wrong choices that are songs by Queen. Strange.

Extraordinary book, must read... several times 😆

Freddie Mercury……that’s all I see!…..Queen…….

that book is awful. can't believe that girl got raped

I read Catcher in the Rye in high school. I can't remember if it was an assignment from my English class. I think I was too immature to understand it and thought it was boring. I was probably 13-14 years old

Am I the only one who realised the other things listed were songs by queen??

it's going on my reading list now

Cat Mom
PJ, no it isn't. 2 of them usually play back to back, from We will rock you straight into We are the champions, but they're 3 separate songs

Pennyenn, I'm about to turn 68; I've never read it, either; I'm about to remedy that; I'm going to find that list of 100 books, and, start reading them; I've already read WELL OVER 100 books. I need the list.

BlueEyedAlien, It's ALL THE SAME SONG

Wannabe Vulcan
CaJa, sounds like a crazy little thing called love.

I read that book when I was twelve years old

I am 34 and have never read it. I ought to be ashamed!