Why were cats considered sacred in to Ancient Egyptians?
Correct answer: They bring good luck

Not so sure about bringing good luck, but cats are wonderful pets.

Bam310, But I feel lucky to have mine !

I think my 2 cats wish they belonged to royalty. Even though I love them fiercely and treat them “royally “, I have no jewels to bedeck them. I think my cats feel they deserve the most precious jewels one could adorn them with. So spoiled!

Player #93460997
Some cultures worship rats and snakes … disgusting . At least cats are adorable and clean

Player #122856502
Whilst it is true that cats represented good fortune in Ancient Egypt, the origin of the reverence shown has its roots in cats' ability to hunt rodents and other pests which threatened the cereal crops upon which Egypt depended.

They've been worshipped as Gods for millennia and don't thet let us know it 😁😁😅😅

, My daughters (2) love cats inside 7, and the other one has 30 cats outside , and 7 cats inside.

It is considered in China too The Cat (ancient I think) Trying to have a good luck

Bigred-dot, Wowzer!! That's a Lotta cats!!

Hot chocolate
I think a cat is just an animal like other pets inferior to human beings. What span of life to bring what to who. I beggi

R.I.P. my cat Bubba. 2009 to 2023. died in my arms. brutal! go hug your cat.

Puma Girl
very interesting, I love this game because you're always learning something.

I wish animals had a lot more rights than they currently do, animal abuse should be punishable by death even if a toddler did the abusing, their should be zero tolerance for animal abuse !! 😃😃

I've got 2 cats and they only bring me 😊

i think the picture is made by AI

Bam310, belief is a powerful driver of behavior; a self fulfilling prophecy.

I like cats had many as a kid and so do my gran and great gran kids

bagguet kitty
I had 7 cats but 3 died so now I have 4 cats

candy swirl 😘
hahaha you are very funny player#25874027 😂

Bam310, yes it's true

Prophet Muhammad may peace be upon him,had a cat he sometimes had on his lap during sermons, named Mueezza!!

Player #25874027
By keeping mice away!!