Which word means your lookalike or double?
Correct answer: Doppelganger

toothless beachrat
My mom once got up and walked across a restaurant to ask a guy, "what, you can't come say hi to your mom"? As she thought it was me. It wasn't due to old age, she was about 50 when it happened. I've had people swear I'm someone they grew up with when they were younger. I guess I just have "one of those faces"!

Player #138752561
toothless beachrat, my ex hubby and my mum both were fooled by seeing my doppelganger in my home town years ago. both said she was a younger version of me. I'd like to meet her.

someone showed me multiple pictures of a girl at a party, I said I don't remember this or know these people, she said it's not you... 😲

toothless beachrat, I have one of those faces too.

Pink Cat
that is two people in my class who look exactly the same and it's probably because they are twins.

It’s the same in Dutch.

easy like! 👍

totskie, no 'wines' lol 😆

toothless beachrat, you see, I’m the opposite I have never found anybody that looks a lot like me

totskie, I was stuck as well but I did it just believe in ur self

toothless beachrat, I would have asked to meet her son!

I don't know girls

I have seen some pictures of ppl that resemble someone that look like an relative so who knows what genes been transported in our society??

I think it's twins?

Player #97184361
I think with billions of humans born on this earth it’s possible everyone has a double or lookalike somewhere and at sometime. I’ve had people ask if I’m some on.! ! !

I've met someone with same hair color, eye color, close skin tone, similar glasses and aesthetic as me, but only my mother has such a similar face.

its midnight and a friend who sleepby sees a ghost look a like my daughter but my daughter is still in bed still she's not scared