What three words are Disney park employees trained not to say?
Correct answer: I don't know

this is a good idea in management aspects...

When interacting with the public, courtesy is expected and appreciated. Protocol.

Hellifi know!

As the receptionist to an elementary school, I was always told you NEVER say "I don't know" to parents asking questions. You always say "Let me find out for you", if you don't know, then find out till you do, even if it means calling them back or putting them on hold. It is extremely frustrating when I go to other businesses/schools and am met with "I don't know". You just have to stare blankly at them and say "Well...can you go find out??"

Mouth, well not necessarily, if a child comes up to a "cast member" and asks why the sky is blue or how high/fast does a crow fly. These questions are not in the purview of the cast members jobs. You can't expect that someone working at an amusement park (albeit a well known and extremely popular one) to be an expert on everything in the world and have the correct answer for every question a child could possibly ask. The pet store where I work has a similar philosophy, a customer asked me how long do pythons live. How should I know, my specialty is dogs. So I have to ask over the radio to find out and if no one responds I have to Google it.

Player #92723922
Also good advice for customer service reps, tech support people and helpers in general.

Working in Healthcare my entire life, I've been fortunate to have many great mentors. Was told 'never tell someone that you don't know something, tell them we'll find out the answer together.

As a former CM, this is so true! And we NEVER point! 😊

There's going to be a lot of confused kids, if everyone just makes it up as they go.

Megan , If you went to a decent elementary School, you know why the sky is blue.

I love Mr. Disney
I was privileged to meet him in the 50’s
He loved children!

I have managed several businesses in the past, and I used to tell my employees that if they found something they didn't know, they should learn!

Idk makes sense because they should always know and if they don’t the people should answer differently then idk! Most people that said idk would have other people questioning on why they are working at a place and not knowing what they are doing or what to say what’s the point of them being at this place working!? I get why they shouldn’t say idk!