Which of these is a mythical creature?
Correct answer: Werewolf

Back in Istanbul, my neighbor Dom, used to smoke hash and tell us stories about this time he was hiking at night in the mountains with Ted Danson's cousin and they apparently came across a werewolf. Like I said, Dom was stoned...

Player #25874027
No but I have seen a Rhinocerhorsapig!
And a Crocostrichimpangolligator!

has anyone ever seen a werewolf

Tyler Rhone
Even a man who is pure in heart and says his prayers by night may become a wolf when the wolf bane blooms and the Autumn moon is bright.

Whywolf, same here

Excuse the Kuz
Player #145106978, Wow! you're kinda taking the fun out of things. Ha,Ha...

Eliza, no, and I don't want to ether!! Many claim ha

Snance, Dogman is a popular belief nowdays. Government experiments. Who knows??

Player #25874027, so creative! A three animal hybrid!

Eliza, I'm one

I read capybara as "chupacabra" and was about to click on it in haste

Player #25874027, laugh, but I have seen in real life a Tigon, mules, him