Which famous steam locomotive carried the number 60103 when it was withdrawn by British Railways?
Correct answer: Flying Scotsman

robertthemoose14, my grandfather drove it during the 1940s from London to Scotland 😊

robertthemoose14, The museum in York (where the scotsman is) is FABULOUS Go and visit there if you possibly can.

Player #680186, I'm in York at the moment and I'm only 10 min walk from the museum, looks like I will be paying a visit...👍👍👍

Player #3138816
Player #680186, brilliant museum spent hours there with my Dad, bless him. Magical memories xx

Don't know what it is, but there's just something about a steam locomotive that just makes my blood race. All that massive iron...!

My Grandad was a driver on the GWR but he never drove The Flying Scotsmen.

My parents are about to travel on the Flying Scotsman here in Scotland. 🤔

Chris Lucas
I live in York, and the Railway Museum is only a short journey from my house. I drive two of the local bus services which stop outside there as well.
The museum is amazing though, many fond memories in there.

Player WAZzers'66
Saved initially by Alan Pegler who took it to USA for tour. It bankrupted him and another millionaire after.

Player #10956030
Player #680186, I only live 5 mins away from there

Player #3138816
dowakado, go for it you won't be disappointed x

Player #680186, I've been there and seen the Scotsman. I love York.

Ashant Of Downs Of M
trazzie1969, Ferry ?

Randall Stone, absolutely!

I don't believe that I got that wrong. We went for a ride on it only a few weeks ago

Player #729030
so hard