Which waterway has a series of locks that lift ships up to Gatun Lake?

Correct answer: Panama Canal

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What people think about it: 23 Comments
My husband and I went through the Panama Canal as part of our 25 anniversary cruise, and it took forever! You spend the whole day waiting for the water to switch levels.
Player #3510625
Player #3510625
Thanks to all those who gave their very own life working for the completion of Panama Canal.
damnpaterfamilias, I have a Panama plate with painting and opening date from my grandmother..She was given it in 1915 when she was born.
Player #1633488
Player #1633488
nimblemoon, tiresome but better than having to travel the 8000 miles of water (some very treacherous still) around the whole continent of South America. But that is my “sea sickness” talking.
i lived in Panama for almost 4 years as a kid. one of my favorite things was driving over this bridge to downtown Panama. it was so beautiful!!!
learning all the time
Syr Hal
Syr Hal
nimblemoon, Yes, but less time than going round Cape Horn - and much safer.
Redeemed 2001
Redeemed 2001
,Been there and loved Panama and the canal
Jimmy Carter gave it to the Panama people for 1 dollar ! Now, they overcharge only the U.S. to go through it , and it's controlled by China ! We should take it back !
Player #137846770
Player #137846770
my dad said, during the war, they went through the canal at night to keep the service men from jumping ship
Tur D'ferguson, Thank you for your service!
Suez and Grand Canals have no locks. Welland Canal joins Lakes Ontario and Erie. Panama was the only option left!
nimblemoon, how long would it take to go the 8000 miles you saved?
Player #28279092
Player #28279092
I am astounded by the good character of everyone that contributes comments here on Quizzland.
I have been to the suez canal by flotta Laura shipping line and it does the same thing
Tur D'ferguson
Tur D'ferguson
Ziela1313, Bridge of the Americas...Balboa yacht club had the best seafood
Tur D'ferguson
Tur D'ferguson
I was stationed in Panama. I lived right across the Road from the Mira Flores lock (Ft Clayton). Passed through the Gatun Lock many times going to Ft Sherman
Johnny Guitar 1942
Johnny Guitar 1942
I live a few km away from the welland canal it services mostly lakers and a few luxury cruisers
Player #5766455
Player #5766455
I don’t understand that
Player #7095882
Player #7095882
The best waterway
In 1931 the Ship called the Harrolas a 62 ton cargo vessel ran into Gate 3 of the Cannal and it took 3 Months to remove the ship, because it was transporting High explosives.
UnderwaterSailor2884, he's a comedian, who was being sarcastic... a form of humor that doesn't translate well, especially in writing
Love Stephen Colbert .So Smart and hillarious!