What is menophobia?
Correct answer: Fear of the menstrual cycle

So thankful to have had a hysterectomy, finally!!! No more exscrutiating pain and no more 5 hour drip iron treatments!!!

constantgamer0421, I too suffered from horrific menstrual cycles from the very beginning. After 40 Years of ridiculous suggestions I finally got relief. I was getting an acupuncture treatment for chronic pain problem and the doctor and MD asked me if anything else was bothering me. I told him about the period Problem. he took he placed an acupuncture needle in the area where the ovaries were one on each side. After that & for the last 10 years of my menstrual cycle I had no problems whatsoever. Go figure.

Player #1886294, I don't know the comment that was made ,but people need to understand how it feels to have a fear or anxiety about things

Player #15356356
Wow! I never knew that there was actually a fear of having your period. I love this game. Am learning so much. Thanks for inventing this game.

Player #14993519.
freegal1776, Most men do not want to hear about woman’s cycles,,,But I don’t like to hear about the mans stuff hanging down between his legs either,lol

Dave Wheeldon I I, Its been my experience that a lot of men dont want to hear about the biological facts about a womans body.

I actually think I kinda had this. I was soo grateful to have a hysterectomy, I would of done it soo much earlier. the dread u had each time it came around was horrid.

Never liked the menstrual cycle but wasn't afraid of it even though I suffered from endemetriosis.

glad I'm menopausal these days!!🙃

Player #10639782
meno gave it away

One of the few good things about going through the menopause - freedom awaits at the other side!

Hunger Knowledge
"Month Fears "sounds a lot more simpler than Menophoia

I always had odd periods. In my 2nd pregnancy, I was so big that my OB thought I was having twins. Nope, just our son, but I had 2 bags of water. it wasn't until I was going into menopause, that they did a different kind of ultrasound and found that I have 2uteruses

freegal1776, could be time as they ARE in relationship with females - Mother/ Sisters/ workmates/ partners..... 😉

i have this and i always got fever

constantgamer0421, I suffered endless stomach pains and my head feels like blowing up everytime I have my period. I was so grateful 🙏 when I had menopause at age 40. My pains were all gone. Hallelujah!!!!

My Aunty menstrated only once a year, her doctors couldn't find anything wrong, until she got pregnant with her only child, not realising that she was expecting until months later! O_o

I went through extremely painful periods in my early teens. With my parents' permission, the doctor put me on the pill as studies were showing it was helping women with painful periods, irregular periods and/or heavy flows. It was a godsend!

with me it's like this... I fear my period cycdue to the period pains that I experience. Every month I go to the doctor or hospital due to the period pains.

toe jam
when l had menstrual cramps, l would eat anything with pasta in it, including rice. lt really helped elevate the cramps.

Top Cat
Michele, my ex was always on his period!

Player #14993519. , men have menstrual cycles too, they just don't bleed, but i have experience with this, men go through hormonal changes and irritability too

freegal1776, & yet they talk about blue balls & such..... which is a psychological myth!!!

I am not sure if l have this kind of phobia but it is just normal feeling that you to take in consideration that there will be painful pain waiting for you every month and it can be extended from 2_4 hours

constantgamer0421, are you OK? I mean after the hysterectomy I know you won't have menstrual symptoms but hysterectomy causes many other symptoms for which hormonal replacement is done which can cause breast ovarian cervical cancer

Used to have extreme menstrual pains and vomiting. Did not know of the medical term until later in my life. Also suffered from ignorant gossip and a misdiagnosed of PID. Later learned to manage the pain by taking painkillers a day or so before it was due. I am 59 now. Hope this helps someone.

Player #60298071
It is really a conspiracy. Get your tubes tied if you don't want anymore children. I thought women who had terrible periods were lying until I had my tubes tied. I wanted to apologize to every woman I saw after that. If you don't want children they should remove the uterus, but since these procedures were invented by MEN, of course we must continue to bleed and be miserable.

SQinfoNUTS, acupuncture is such a great thing. Helps so much!

I was partially correct by picking 'mean people'....

RockNRollMama82, Time to find a different obgyn!

constantgamer0421, nice

Player #15356356, yes me too

freegal1776, yes u r right

I reckon most of those with menophobia would be men 'cos they don't want to hear about it, too squeamish! lol

RockNRollMama82, I too was told I was too young (I was 40) even though I suffered from really bad endometriosis. Finally, at 48, the month my dad died my period just stopped suddenly & I never had another one. I'm 61 now but still carry emergency pad just in case! Hahaha lol 🤣

Player #36215423
SQinfoNUTS, I put up with horrible dysmenorrhoea all my life & found out in my 50s that I had fibroids..... then had menopause & no more pain & misery. Yay!

I hope the people in the comments who talk about excruciating period pain (or having had that pain until menopause) know that that isn't normal.
Not normal:
- Agonizing pain
- Irregular periods well after you've had your first (for example, in your late-teens, your twenties, and onwards)
- Heavy bloodflow
Take it from someone who had all these and is now diagnosed with PCOS and through treatment now has a manageable and NORMAL regular period.

Player #9043571, I was 56 before my periods finished, got heavier in the last number of years. Menopausal flood, if that happens tell your doc, should be able to get help.

Player #32567393
Kevin McCormack,
Cozzy 25,
After an accident in which I tripped over something in the path & after flying through the air & landed with my full weight on my right knee, & had to have 2 surgeries & my leg is now in a cast, I’ve got a phobia of going out on my is & the same thing happening. I’m trying to beat this phobia.

Player #25874027
As a man I’m no expert but I think we’re looking at fear of the pain that can be involved