Which Russian city during war was under siege for more than 870 days?
Correct answer: Leningrad

The stories that arose from this are beyond horror. Man's inhumanity to man is shocking.

Pimpao +
war at is worst!

I remember the stories of cannibalism that happened among the starving ppl. it wasn't just the dead they ate either, that was the horror. made the Donner party look like a picnic

Player Leuken
I love this game. I learn things every day. I never studied WWII from the Russian perspective. I grew up in the Iron Curtain days and we hated and feared Russia. due to the Arms Race. The Russian People paid a terrible price in the war against Germany. Here in the US we tend to look at the American cost.

Greyghost 68
nancyinfernley, PICNIC? Probably not the best choice of words...

Player #9442102
FaithfulReader, people were starving because no supplies could be brought into the city. Cannibalism actually happened.

Player #18877936, Stalingrad is now Volgograd(on Volga River), Leningrad is now back to St. Petersburg.

We lived in St Petersburg. Pigeons are protected because they ate them!

Wow I do not know this until now!!!!

memyselfandI, I assume they meant during any war bc only one (WWII) had a siege this long!

Player #18877936, Leningrad name was changed back to St Petersburg.

Jo;49, wow, such a terrible history...so frightening!

Vickiknows, neither did I! it's horrifying, as someone else said, man's inhumanity to man. 😔

Shouldn't the question read "Which Russian city during world war 2", rather than just "war". There have been many wars that Russia has been involved in.

Greyghost 68, I presume it wasn't to be taken literally. It is metaphorical speech.

Thank you Billy Joel.

Player #18877936, Tsaritsyn was renamed Stalingrad in 1925 then renamed Volgograd in 1961

People are anything possible, rats etc... leather shoes were boiled then consumed... rough times indeed

my mistake.it was leningrad

stephenhaw, wrong city